Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Arctic in recharge mode

 That's only for North America.  Usually, with these things, one flow remains active and that's on the UK.

The 7 day forecast for Toronto shows some warmth.  I can't see that yet.

ps.  not quite 'freeze the Thames weather', but getting there.

I have a thing with the UK, for starting the clange mob riot.

pps. and this just puts a bad taste in my mouth.

more:  sea temps are very low in the Arctic.  At 0C, the ice crystals start to separate.

fin - just came back from the dog walk.  She's a shaggy mutt, so she loves it.  -16C and -24 wind chill.  I'll have to step up my game in clothes.


CB said...

Re: shaggy mutt

Memories... I had one who loved this kind of weather, a Border Collie/Lab mix we thought, fluffy double coat, sometime around 2013 when the temps in TO hit around -20 overnight for about a week. She couldn't get enough of the 5 am walks. Good times...

Harold Asmis said...

My dog is 10 years old, and becomes a spring chicken at -20. We're about to go up north to real snow, and she'll be jumping in and out of the deep stuff. I think the joints love the cold. Of course, after, she'll have a dog hangover and sleep for two days.