Sunday, January 7, 2024

The end game for self-medication

 There is a gene arrangement I call 'super bright'.  It allows people to make original connections from the ages of 20 to 40.  The mechanism is a lack of brain serotonin, which allows the brain candle to burn at both ends.

At 40, it starts to come to an end, and the depression starts, with crippling anxiety.  Nothing worse than getting a panic attack on the subway. That happened to me.  If you are lucky, something happens that makes you go to a doctor.  

You can become a functioning alcoholic, in this case you drink yourself to sleep at 7 pm.  You can live to a ripe old age.  A lot of people these days go beyond that, and take extra drugs for the anxiety.

The simple fix is some tiny little pills, serotonin uptake inhibitors.  They work great, but you have to limit your brainpower.  I'm only up to 2 hours in the morning.  Otherwise, it actually gets painful.

You become non-functional if you give speeches while blasted.  The big problem for society is that these people like poots, live on their laurels and become obsessive about holding on to power.  We see that all the time.  Everybody loves them for the time they made the trains run on time, and now they are blotto.  

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