Thursday, January 4, 2024

Cloud of Stupidity Threatens Japan Nuke Restart


I'm not saying anything about the Japan old men running things, and their thing for schoolgirls.  As the Eppie Club shows, the world runs on corruption, and it has made us safe against Nuke-frying for all these years.  No old man will push on the button, if he lives on wine, women and song.

But every earthquake reveals mass stupidity that is not limited to Japan.  However, they will have to turn on the nukes when the ice cycle comes for them.  It will be interesting.

ps. all the major schools of earthquake engineering tend to be inbred.  After the incredible stupidity of the Japan nuclear earthquake, they should have embarked on a de-stupidify effort, but this shows they didn't and it's now up to the trust of the people.

pps.  I am an old white male, and I would love wine, women and song, and a thousand muskybabies.  But, I have no money, and my wife would kill me.

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