Friday, April 26, 2024

UK enjoys continuous freeze


You can see they are all white.

For Toronto, I think we are into continental solar heating, and our freezing should be over.  All that cold is being shoved away with a lot of rain.  I'm putting out some grass seed today.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Arctic continues to break up


No spring pattern yet.  This is the type of year where we have the heat on full blast, and then air conditioning the next.  Looks like we will continue to oscillate.  

I am happy to have nothing to say.  The UK is still getting the fire hose of cold coming down on it, but it is wobbling a bit.

The tabloids continue to put up the question of why it is so cold, but they still come up with the same tired explanations 'Will of God'.  Nobody wants the Scientific Method back -- no money in it.

ps.  Cherry blossoms seem ok.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Drama on the street again

 We get more drama on our street because there is the chance of big drug operations across the road.  Everybody parks here.  Even the police conducting raids.

In today's soap opera, a very skinny girl has an argument with this guy, and in a flash of action, she snatches away his car keys.  Then she dangles them in front of him and walks calmly down the road.  Please note that the wind chill is -5C, and she has bare stork legs.  

He then chases here in the world's slowest chase since OJ.  He looks a bit 'under the weather' and he drops a hockey puck.  She may have had reason to snatch the keys.  I am not looking to see who comes back alive.

ps. right now, the police were leading the werewolf away in handcuffs.  I assume the pixie got away.  This was far away for my old eyes.

Last gasp of the Arctic spills


For the sake of my sanity I have to call this as the 'last gasp'.  The Pacific air will take over and we will have Spring again.  No snowstorms in May.  The UK will have warmth again.  All will be well.

This is just a hunch, but I give it 80%.

ps. geez, I saw snow today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Taiwan M7.4 earthquake - strong ground motion

 I just picked this out of some reports that aren't very good.  It's the best I can do with Taiwan.  I conclude it is exactly the same as the famous Chile earthquake with the same tilted buildings.

This is the 'firm ground' record.  You can see that the velocity time history is clean, and two pulses.  If there were a ground motion on rock, I would expect a single pulse.

This is a soil basin motion.  Note the very long rumble, and a high acceleration.  This the stuff of California earthquake history.

ps. this is an interesting earthquake.  I'm learning from it, but nobody else is.  We wait for the next one.

Arctic break-up and a strong Spring pattern

 What we need now is to have a beaten-back Arctic, and no chance of a severe Arctic spill.  Usually, a Spring pattern then drifts in.

We have the last Arctic thrust for Toronto, I hope.  Because, we have strong-ish Pacific plumes coming in.

Although most of the Arctic seems to be breaking up, there is still a nugget of very cold air hovering over us.  This cold air should be pushed away by the Pacific air over the mountains.  After that, we can do some more garden work.

The official warmie apologists are working overtime.  I hope everybody is happy.

I haven't seen if they invoke the Fickle Jet Stream, or Nasty Polar Fairies yet.  Always a surprise.

ps.  these weather people have the same wonderful pattern.  They get gobsmacked by the cold, they pick themselves off the floor, and trot out the usual suspects.  They can keep this going forever, with no quaint notions of shame, like trumpypants.  I admire them for it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Cute push of air over the mountains resembles Spring pattern


We got a nice push of Spring air over the mountains, but it was pushed by a cold air spill, so, not good.

I captured these as videos because I am using the long time period.  You can see the huge Arctic spill that will hit Toronto and may kill my cherry blossoms.  

Although our Great Pacific Hot Spot is warming again, it doesn't seem to have much power, and the Arctic temps are burrowing into the mass of cold.

This is what I expect, but I'm not happy for the garden.  Perhaps, if we wish very hard, we can get back to warm fantasy.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Arctic still doing us proud


If we want to plant our gardens, that black colour has to go, and it should stop swooping down on us.  Unfortunately, that is not happening.

We are getting a tiny tropical heat boost from our favourite heat blob in the West Pacific, south of the equator.  I can now read this like a book.  All the bumps in the world temps correlate with how dark the red colour is (higher temperature).  We are now getting a small bump, but the whole thing is fading due to the seasonal change.

We will get a hot, short summer, because there are no ocean breezes, carried by the tropical plumes.  This is essentially desert weather, but the warmies will all call it due to clange.  

ps.  since they only go for one-day peak temperatures, they call no difference between a nice 4 month warm summer, or a one-day summer.  

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Arctic temperatures descend back to below the 80's

 And maybe the 40's.

All the big pulses of heat are gone, and the Arctic descends to 1940.  However, if you want hope for heat, seek the influencers.  

We must all switch to cold gardening.  I'm planting lots of peas this year.  The tomatoes go under crop covers.  No peppers.  Lots of kale.  A good chance for the apples to fail.

We are now in an ice cycle.  These temperatures are going down fast, so the question is whether we get colder than the 70's, which was our last 'cold decade cycle'.  I am generally inclined that we are busting through this and going to the '300 year cycle'.  In that cycle, the Pacific and Atlantic belts turn off.  

We won't read about the cold in the media, except maybe Australia.  This summer, the media will continue to go after 1 day heat waves.  Always lots of those.  And flash floods, like Dubai.  All good influencer reading.  I'm going to need to chop lots of wood for the summer hut.

ps. it's snowing in Toronto right now.  Big snowstorm coming in May....

ps.  going with the influencers will give you hot and cold, drought and flooding.

All US critical infrastructure runs MS


And the whole military.  

Doodle labs are using Linux, and US military had a tough time with that.  It is my contention that all Windows machines on the internet are infiltrated, but these guys take their time to expose it.  Goodness knows, that anybody running it will ever find out on their own.  All the announcements we get show they have been taken over for years.

Arctic sends spears of cold

 The Toronto weather forecast is blinking on and off like a marquee.  This has been caused by big Arctic spills.

They are coming down very fast, and the Toronto forecast depends on the protection of the Great Lakes.

You can see the extreme cold fighting the heat.  

Europe is hilarious as a very narrow cold spear comes down.

This has 'cut the UK in half'.

ps. my nose is still frozen from the dog walk.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sudden cold air spill heads for Toronto

 The local weather forecast changed to frost.

You can see a huge cold express train hitting us.

The Arctic isn't done with us yet.

Airline compensation denied by Canada

 Our trip to Sanfran was delayed by 13 hours due to a leaky toilet.  Going through the compensation process, Canada determined it was a safety issue beyond their control and denied us $2000.  Them's the breaks.

Dubai cloud seeding -- physics


This is hilarious.  Without any thought or physics, all floods are declared as a result of clange.  It's the same as 'Will of God'.  Totally useless.  But, now, the media blasts that it was 'cloud seeding'.  

The main establishments are all agog, and trying to demolish this conjecture with physics.  Ha!  

You can see the huge forces swirling around Dubai.  A little stringer can zoom up and soak the place, no sweat.  No cloud seeding required, and any effort like that would be swept away.  Storms that flood are almost always stationary, due to balanced forces all around.  It can happen anywhere to anyone.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Pacific plumes continue to be weak


If we want a nice Spring, we need heat energy from the Pacific.  Not getting it.  We are just getting little bursts of heat from the Gulf of Mexico.  

The Arctic is once again recharging.  Lots of cold still to come.  I am expecting a nice May snowstorm.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

State of the Oceans - April 17, 2024 -- Heat pulses settling down

 The big news is that seasonal change is killing our big 'Heat Pulsar' south of the equator.

The sneaky 'undercurrent' seems to be cutting off.  

The big red blob is slowly giving up pulsing a deeper red, which jacks up the world temps, and makes the warmies happy.

The southern season is peaking.  You can see the effect the blob had on our weather last year.  The blob is in its death throes. 

The pulses of the Arctic correlate exactly with the 'heartbeat pulses' of the blob, and now everything is settling to being darn cold.  

I can see with the ocean currents that the Gulf Stream wants to wander back to Spain.  However, the ocean temperatures are not yet reflecting this.  They take quite a while to change.  The UK can look forward to much cooler temperatures.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Media finally declares the Death of El Nino


This is a refreshing article.  They even use the charts that nooa fears to use.

But now, perhaps quicker than expected, El Niño is gone.

A nice quote.  They are being polite.

US researchers recently said there was 60% chance of a La Niña developing between June-August, and an 85% chance of this happening by Autumn.

But the Australian Bureau say such statements such be treated with caution. They expect neutral conditions to last until at least July.

That might indicate that the record temperatures experienced over the past year were something of a mystery, and not evidence that the world has moved into a more rapid phase of warming.

Wow, this is the most powerful statement that the media has made.  Are they tired of the 'Never-ending Story"?

ps.  I am so impressed.  Perhaps this is the start of a campaign to fund physics, to look at the 'mystery'.

Weak tropical plumes allow Arctic to spill


Our northern tropical plumes are on a break.  However, Toronto has some good action from Gulf of Mexico plumes.

There will be another big clash with lots of rain for Toronto, snow elsewhere.

And look at the huge cold blob coming down on the UK and mainland Europe.  The weak plumes are being blown away.

Right now, the tropical plumes should be slicing up the Arctic for Spring.  Not happening.

The world temperatures are still in heavy oscillation.

However, we are all safely in the arms of clange.

Monday, April 15, 2024

UK gets hit with Spring tornados


They are getting hit with the full Arctic spill, and it's driving their weather people batty.  This is what I predicted they would have all winter and it would have been a true Little Ice Age, 'Freeze the Thames' winter.  But, a tremendous amount of heat energy hit them all winter.  And the Gulf Stream sent warm water very far north.

Look at that ice filling up the gap near Svalbard.  Next year it will fill, and the Little Ice Age II will be upon us.

Wow.  I'm glad the world is getting warmer.  Can you imagine if it were getting colder?  I can't....

ps.  this is all caused by clange

Sharp talon of cold coming to jab us


Just above Hudson Bay, the ice dragon gets ready to hit Toronto.

The forecast is showing this as a late April frost.  I have relatives going to visit Iceland soon -- ha!  But they are probably warmer than Toronto because their temperature is the same as the surrounding ocean.

Looks like we are going to have a few more snowstorms, maybe even one in May.  My poor tomatoes!

NOAA plot confirms continued global warming


You can't argue with their world 'March' plot.  Good headlines coming up.

The 'all months' plot is going down, but there is the appearance that this spike was greater than 2016.  

Thank goodness, all that is hot water under the bridge.  Enjoying our El Nino spring?

ps.  Yeah, the PR department headline..

It's 100% true.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Spring Clipper comes down on Toronto


This clipper is mucky.

And the Arctic is building again.  I don't have a clue about anything.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

No Spring pattern yet for us


We'll just be getting our 'up and down' pattern, with slashing plumes.  This involves the Gulf air incursions and brutal Arctic spills.  I put the tomatoes back under the lights.

This is what I predicted from the lack of heat energy in the world, but I was derailed by a huge oscillation of the hot zone in the Pacific.  That gave us a monster plume after the January Arctic spill.

Those oscillations may have settled now.

We don't really know, but we can blame La Nina, instead of the old 'God's Will', which is so yesterday with influencer space.

Dog Walk Report:  Very cold with sleet.  I had on my full winters, and we turned back.

ps.  a nice spring pattern is a pure westerly wind from the Pacific right over the mountains.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Phoney El Nino will transition to Phantom La Nina


It's amazing how much fun you can have when you control all the information.  We have the official end to El Nino, and the start of the new La Nina.  Of course, when you look outside the institutions you don't see any evidence of any of this existing.  That's the trouble with the Scientific Method, when people rant and rave about something, you can't prove a negative.

So, we get colder, and they will say that La Nina is dominating, when it never has before.  La Nina was always the 'rebound' of El Nino, and only lasted a few months.  Now, all that stuff with the regular cycles is gone.  

These institutions have also stopped all new physics in this area.  They can't live with a discovery that would blow all this out of the water.  We wait, and we laugh.