Friday, July 26, 2024

NASA 'own goal'


This looks like it would be fun to watch, but I can't from the cottage.  It proves violent mixing in the atmosphere.  Can they show this and still push 'greenhouse gases'?  Yes they can.  They make no mention of violent clear-air convection which is proven here.  

It's fine.  They can throw down some Influencer Logic, and still push their fantasy.

The chart for 'world's hottest day' is now going down the spike.  The media forgets there is a 6 day lag on this chart.

ps  Even the Economist botches the charts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cottage report - July 25

 By now it should be really hot, but I'm wearing a jacket.  Very windy.  Good for working, and we trimmed some trees, and cut the branches up for the sauna.  The warmies are trying to make this a hot summer, and they are forced to be very selective.  

ps.  the weather is perfect, just a dry 28, and no rain for a few days.  No wind and not too hot.  I can just leave everything on the dock.  

Worlds hottest days driven by Southern Hemisphere

 We are freezing here in the north, but every day we see a news article on how it is the single hottest day in the world.

There it is, our hottest days.  It's a spike and will soon be gone.  This is all driven by the S. Hemi.

There is no great reason for this, so soon the world temps will go down.  We won't feel anything up north.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The root of all Windows data breaches


The article goes on that a top executive played a driving simulation on his office computer.  Those guys have doors, and are all related.  The Windage system is a giant mono-culture hairball.  Once one computer was 'gotten to' then the whole thing falls.

Most likely, all the other breaches followed the same script.

Secret service given impossible jobs by Trumpypants


The poor lady resigned, but would have need ten times the agents to make that horrible place secure.  A million hidey-holes.  8 rounds fired, and he still missed.

Trumpy's rallies are impossible, and he would never listen to anybody.  Anyway, lots more to come.  A sane person listens.

ps.  I'm surprised the media doesn't follow this line of thought.  It's like a little kid jumping and saying 'Catch Me!'  Or, himself saying he wants to ride in an open car through a city like JFK.  Weeee!

Toronto - time to buy houses again

 We have a ridiculous over-supply of housing right now, all a result of the Big Boom.  If you somehow have money outside of the housing market, you should start looking.  Get in on distress sales, like a good carpet-bagger.  The reason why we have an 'apparent' housing shortage is that nobody can gear themselves up to a 50% discount on their house, from the peak.  That's what you need to sell.

Instead, nobody is paying for their houses, and the banks just suck it up, with gov't help.  The libs have staked their future on houses keeping their value, and that defies physics (money physics = economics).

There is no money in Canada to buy those houses at peak prices.  Sooner or later the banks have to face the music, just like it happened in Japan.  Then and now, everybody is still living in la-la land. 

We all love to try to fly by jumping off the roof, but it always ends in tears.

Big storm doesn't reach Toronto


The 'cold-warm' collision is happening north of Toronto.

Look at the vortex here!  Flooding up north. But the collision is mucky.

In other news, we have a one-day heatwave for the Earth.

This spike has no back-up on the other charts.

I'm so glad they can find some heat to report on.

The world is cold.  Shows that these charts aren't that stable.

The tropics drive the world's heat, and that isn't doing so well.  When the spike collapses again, we won't hear anything.

ps. and it's sad that this guy buys into the fantasy.  However, he loves 'damn him with faint praise'

ps. the fact that everybody has abandoned physics and engineering means there won't be an engineered solution.  Nothing but 'Fantasy Failures'

Tunnelling starts at Pickering nuclear plant


Ha, I totally forgot what I said about the 'Big Makeover' of Pick B.  This is the station that I think has no soil underneath the basement, and is suspended on its piles.  Of course, they won't do their geotechnical investigations there.  The station has the world's worst silt problem, and features heavily in my apocalyptic story about the next Toronto earthquake.

To get rid of the silt problem, they need a tunnel for the intake, and the PR department only says 'geotechnical work'.  This is how we did all the prelims for the tunnels.  Neat.

ps. they don't have any internal expertise, and will rely on 'money loving' consultants - Ha!

ps. the fact they are doing a tunnel means they read me!  But don't look at the huge cavern under the plant!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Windy-Land casts the blame


Ok, I wasn't going to touch this, but now I will.  It is the modus operandi of all influencers to cast the blame elsewhere when they screw up.

The Windy ecosystem is so bad that anybody who uses it must tack on a bunch of external software to get to 1% of the security of Linux systems.  That's because of the whole history of MS, and that these systems are one big interconnected hairball.  MS was never truly a multi-user system, so if somebody penetrates the thin skin of security, they can have a field-day.

Now, MS must wrangle this hairball to meet the modern world.  I can't wait to see how they do AI.

The big secret is that every one of these hacked systems are MS.  That's not a great statement, since everything is MS.  I can imagine some bright young IT thing in a big company would say 'Let's get off this spawn of Satan!"  They would be right, but then totally attacked by the MS schmoozers who wine and dine the fat big guys.

There is simply no way to stop this.  We must look to other giant hacks and failures due to trying to stop these giant hacks.  Can't be done in a rational manner.  Such is life...

ps. Windmills to rule them all.  

Who needs birds anyway?

Here comes another doozy for Toronto


Once again, if we are right at the boundary of the big fight between the Arctic blob and the Gulf plume, we will have another rain-fest in Toronto.

Since nobody does physics, we will have another great explanation on how this is all climate change.  Then we will get hit by another one.  These events could be ranked by total energy, temperature difference, etc.  As it is, we will wait for another disaster.

Don't plan on driving the Lower DVP tomorrow.  You'll get no warning, and your car will sink.  We live in interesting times.

ps. our potatoes have never been better, for this weird summer.  This is only two hills.

ps.  and Toronto should expect all that Big Oil money.  Too bad they didn't do physics.

A recap of the weather this year -- Part 2

 Continued from Part 1

The Earth has a fully regulated temperature system that has enabled life to exist.  Any 'run away' reaction would have happened a long time ago.

The regulation depends on the properties of water -- too hot and it sheds heat, too cold and it absorbs heat.  It's an amazing physics system that will never be measured under the current Influencer Regime.

Our oceans are a chaotic system that can hold patterns for hundreds of years.  Right now, the old pattern is gone, and a new one is forming.  This leads to lots of fun as the 'Two N's" attempt to paste the established cycles on the new ones.  

Sorry, ran out of inspiration.  I have to go to the cottage again.  --end.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Calgary to get amazing new arena, but no water


Spent a summer there, just love those guys!

La Nina will never present herself dressed up

 Nooa has a perfect idea of how El Nino and La Nina show themselves on the Pacific temperature anomaly chart.  That's a 'pattern' chart that has a map of average temperatures to subtract from the actual seawater temperatures.  It is meant for pattern-matching and has no connection with physics.

However, this year it is showing tremendous turbulence on the Pacific belt, and that lines up with the actual temperatures, which also have no great connection with physics (cause and effect).

Here is the anomaly plot and look at those ratchets of turbulence.  You can also check the turbulence on the ocean current chart.

This is the temperature chart.  For the last recorded history, of modern instrumentation, we have had warm water coming down from the north to feed the equatorial belt.  That has turned over to the southern water, which is much colder because of the straight path to the belt.

This fight of two currents is violent.  We could get some physics on this, if they wanted to.  But, it means that the turbulence won't go away, and La Nina will look very rumpled indeed.  Especially, since she just exists as a ghost.  The official pattern is a thin, straight blue line.

These are the reference plots.  We didn't have that for the Phoney El Nino, and we have a shattered plot for the Dumpy La Nina, if they can actually fabricate, errr ... fudge a new plot nobody has ever seen before.  It's all good, right?  I love those guys.

Your homework for today is to imagine their La Nina plot.  They have to come up with it to explain our upcoming Brutal Winter.  Bye for now.

Another great idea without physics - perpetual batteries


This should be discussed in all classes that teach Influencer Science Climate Change.  Forget that Feynman character, this is pure debate, using all the tricks of the trade.

“If you put a battery into seawater, it starts fizzing,” explained Prof Sweetman. “That’s because the electric current is actually splitting seawater into oxygen and hydrogen [which are the bubbles]. We think that’s happening with these nodules in their natural state.”

It is most important with Influencer Science that you put forward a totally irrelevant common example and build on that.  They dance around an actual mechanism by measuring voltage in seawater different from the ambient.

This is now being used to try and stop seabed mining.  The miners should take a lesson from the oil companies and do some physics.  Once the "two n's" take hold of this, there is no turning back.

I am proud to live in such an era of 'Grand Stupidity'.  An era of pure rationality would be boring.

A recap of the weather this year -- Part 1

 Every once in a while I get a request from one of my readers to explain what is going on.  If you want to go with fantasy then you believe the Earth has a thermal blanket of co2, and this will soon boil us alive.  This idea came up for political reasons and has never been tested by the Scientific Method.  Unfortunately, since it breaks all the laws of physics, any experiment will fail the hypothesis, and these guys know it.

With no experiments, this ideal can never die, and I just put it out there as 'Influencer Science'.   If it is never tested, it has to be true.

If you follow Feynman, then I call 'Feynmanism' the 'physics side'.  

On the physics side, we have an Earth that has been stable for life for 4.2 billion years (the latest estimate for life).  For any planet, that is amazing, that we have had 't-shirt weather' for all that time, plus or minus a few degrees.  In that time the Earth has had to shed an enormous amount of heat, since we had a 'molten rock' start.  

In geology, we assume that any mechanism we observe today has been operating for those billions of years.  There are no great changes in general geology.  The major atmospheric change was going from an atmosphere with 80% nitrogen and the rest methane and co2.  Life started, and then found a mechanism to eat all that carbon by quantum tunnelling to release oxygen as a horrible pollutant (photosynthesis).

However, for all this time, the Earth cooled, tectonic plates collided, and mountains formed.  No change in the overall mechanisms.

By 'Influencer Logic' the oceans should have been boiling like the planet Venus (considering their sensitivity to a speck of co2 and methane).  But Earth had a thin atmosphere, and that allowed total convection throughout the whole atmosphere to the very top.  Neat.  The best 'heat pipe' around, and it was self-regulating.  Not too hot, not too cold.  That's very difficult to do, and may be the reason that DNA life is very rare in the Universe.

- to be continued

Endless cold coming over us


Of course, in the summer, this is just nice weather.  The cottage weather was fantastic, with the cool air meaning we could sleep at night.  

The tropics continue to dive, but North America and the world temps are wiggling, with a very little bump up right now.  All world heating events start at the tropics, so this means no warmth for the winter.

All this cold is whipping through the North Pole and avoiding the west coast.  They are in a big stagnant puddle of air.  Normally, Pacific air would be coming over the mountains and chasing the Arctic air away, and that is not happening.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cottage report in July

 Nice and hot. Swimming in the cold lake. A stagnant air heatwave. I have to write with the tablet, yuck. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

All hands on a cold deck


The influencers don't know that half a storm is the cold side.  Our Toronto storm was driven by a cold blob coming in.  We can see now that it was huge.  More cold blobs coming down.

And the world temperatures have turned down.  I knew this would happen, since we are at a minimum level for world heat energy.  I wish I knew the mechanism on how the equator gathers heat energy, but that would require physics measurements.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Toronto never prepared for catastrophes


When employed downtown, it was my pleasure to meet with the emergency preparedness people.  They were all idiots.  Of course, now they are all perfect.

These people were just walkie-talkie junkies.  Not an original thinker among them.  I was mainly concerned at the time with earthquake response.  I left quickly, and was convinced they couldn't emergency themselves out of a paper bag.

I think that is the life of all cities and governments.  They are just reaction people, and their slogan is "We are prepared for all emergencies"  You would think they would use this rain as a practice, but they were probably all occupied with business lunches.  I got that impression of too many such lunches.

Their is nothing we can do, but just remember we will never be prepared for anything.  If they have a good PR department, like the old company, they will lay blame on others, and present a competent front.  I am always amazed about PR departments.

ps.  this is all blamed on climate change.  And you know, that anybody who believes in that, can't actually do anything.

ps.  did you note that the cell service became degraded?  Also, somebody's land line was out.

ps. we are now only inviting relatives to the cottage, who live near Quebec.  They have to come with a trailer of booze.

La Nina being set up as fall guy for cold


As we get colder, we have La Ninny to blame.  We've had tons of cold water coming up from the Antarctic, making it a permanent ninny.  Thus, getting a new clean signal will be difficult.  My fav PR department may have to make things up.

However, we are getting a bump in world temps that is only supported in the north.  There are no other signs of warmth in the world, so this is most likely a blip.

It is all in the north.

The tropics are still diving, so I have no physics explanation for the bump.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Arctic blob becomes clear

 This was in the Toronto weather forecast for a while, but I couldn't see it.  Everything was too mucky.

Now, it is very clear, and it is powerful.  Nice working weather for the cottage.  

ps.  omg!  We are having Spain Guy's wet dream.  Huge storm over us now, black as pitch, like a solar eclipse.  

Canada Auto-Bot Answers:

Why is it such a cold and miserable summer?  - climate change

Why is there such a huge storm over us?  - climate change

ps. video

Spain Guy - eat your heart out!

ps.  almost lost the daughter in the garden, while she was looking for a tomato.  We rescued the shoe.

Ps lots of power outages. We have our power back. 

ps it's all due to heat, and not the cold coming down

Monday, July 15, 2024

NOAA has the world temps well over the peak


This is the 'all months' plot which nobody sees.  You have to construct your own plots, so they can choose the best one.  Their default is the 'Junes only' plot, which has no meaning.

They are making fun of a UK one-day heatwave, which they haven't seen since.

ps.  I am always very impressed with their PR department.  What are they going to do next month?

ps. and we are finally seeing the big cold blob due to hit Toronto soon

ps.  and now that divinity is involved, there goes the election.  Everybody should line up and prove to themselves the strength of the God Shield.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cool weather signals end of summer

 Ha, ha.  I hope we have a few more days, at least.  However, we have a nice cold air blob coming down on Toronto.  Poor UK has no summer.

On the physics side, we have charts that show things are going to get really cold. But, nobody believes those charts, so our groupthinkers are bringing back 'Bad old La Nina'.  It's funny that cold water has been flowing up from the Antarctic for a couple of years now, and I have a difficult time to see how they can find a 'different' type of cold water.

Cold water is pouring up for both equatorial belts.  The turbulence is amazing, and a tiny La Nina signal will be hard to find, but they need some excuse for the upcoming cold.

Last year was warm and the new temperatures cut right into that.  A tiny blip at the end might give us hope for warmth, but I doubt it.  

We can expect the tropics line to keep on going.  All of this fun will cut our summer short and make us all like the UK.  Of course, anybody caught in a land-locked country like Ukraine will get the famous stagnant air heat.  This has gone up to 42C over there, but is probably dry heat.

The physics of heat energy leads me to think it will get cold.  All the results and charts are following the laws of physics.  However, on the other side, we have hope for a lot more warmth.  This is the great thing about fantasy.  I think I will go over to the groupthink fantasy side for the summer.  I love the heat.

ps.  it took me a long time to get my head around the fact that the trumpy ear trimming was real.  I thought it was staged.  Wow.  A few more of these, he becomes a god.  Would it be bad of me to encourage his greatest gun-toting fans to assure his ascension, by more near-misses.  Whoops, never said that.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Cottage report -- a solid summer day

 No pictures since the Internet is slow. We have a classic stagnant July day. This is the best. 

Yeah, got a picture in. 

It's a Tahiti paradise. No bugs, a dry heat, fish nibbling. Great. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Earth is cool


Again, tough to find a heat wave, but the NA west coast is hot.  The area is quite prosperous, so no pictures of people suffering.  The standard mode is to hop into the car from the air-conditioned garage, right to the underground parking.

ps.  this also means that we have 10 times more heat waves - not happening.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Your memories are no good


Since all the weather people write their own report cards, they have to take away the only competition, that of personal memory.

We leave that behind, and look at the physics for this northern summer.

We can see a powerful new Arctic air glacier, or cold blob.  Note how the west coast is in a heat lock of stagnation.  This is a classic solar furnace, and is the standard weather pattern I remember from a while ago.  

We, in Toronto, are getting lots of rain, as the two systems fight it out.

Europe just keeps getting hit by air glaciers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hurricane to meet cold blob

 Lots of news from the island today.

The collision between the two energies will be fun.  We don't know if it will reach Toronto.

Not a puff of breeze on the west coast, so they are in the classic solar furnace.

The Arctic is rather alarming as it sheds all the warmth gained over the last decade or so.

The world temps take a big dip, and nooa is two days late on the US temps.

ps. yeah, tooth extraction and bone graft today.