Monday, July 22, 2024

Another great idea without physics - perpetual batteries


This should be discussed in all classes that teach Influencer Science Climate Change.  Forget that Feynman character, this is pure debate, using all the tricks of the trade.

“If you put a battery into seawater, it starts fizzing,” explained Prof Sweetman. “That’s because the electric current is actually splitting seawater into oxygen and hydrogen [which are the bubbles]. We think that’s happening with these nodules in their natural state.”

It is most important with Influencer Science that you put forward a totally irrelevant common example and build on that.  They dance around an actual mechanism by measuring voltage in seawater different from the ambient.

This is now being used to try and stop seabed mining.  The miners should take a lesson from the oil companies and do some physics.  Once the "two n's" take hold of this, there is no turning back.

I am proud to live in such an era of 'Grand Stupidity'.  An era of pure rationality would be boring.

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