Friday, July 26, 2024

NASA 'own goal'


This looks like it would be fun to watch, but I can't from the cottage.  It proves violent mixing in the atmosphere.  Can they show this and still push 'greenhouse gases'?  Yes they can.  They make no mention of violent clear-air convection which is proven here.  

It's fine.  They can throw down some Influencer Logic, and still push their fantasy.

The chart for 'world's hottest day' is now going down the spike.  The media forgets there is a 6 day lag on this chart.

ps  Even the Economist botches the charts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cottage report - July 25

 By now it should be really hot, but I'm wearing a jacket.  Very windy.  Good for working, and we trimmed some trees, and cut the branches up for the sauna.  The warmies are trying to make this a hot summer, and they are forced to be very selective.  

ps.  the weather is perfect, just a dry 28, and no rain for a few days.  No wind and not too hot.  I can just leave everything on the dock.  

Worlds hottest days driven by Southern Hemisphere

 We are freezing here in the north, but every day we see a news article on how it is the single hottest day in the world.

There it is, our hottest days.  It's a spike and will soon be gone.  This is all driven by the S. Hemi.

There is no great reason for this, so soon the world temps will go down.  We won't feel anything up north.