Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Toronto never prepared for catastrophes


When employed downtown, it was my pleasure to meet with the emergency preparedness people.  They were all idiots.  Of course, now they are all perfect.

These people were just walkie-talkie junkies.  Not an original thinker among them.  I was mainly concerned at the time with earthquake response.  I left quickly, and was convinced they couldn't emergency themselves out of a paper bag.

I think that is the life of all cities and governments.  They are just reaction people, and their slogan is "We are prepared for all emergencies"  You would think they would use this rain as a practice, but they were probably all occupied with business lunches.  I got that impression of too many such lunches.

Their is nothing we can do, but just remember we will never be prepared for anything.  If they have a good PR department, like the old company, they will lay blame on others, and present a competent front.  I am always amazed about PR departments.

ps.  this is all blamed on climate change.  And you know, that anybody who believes in that, can't actually do anything.

ps.  did you note that the cell service became degraded?  Also, somebody's land line was out.

ps. we are now only inviting relatives to the cottage, who live near Quebec.  They have to come with a trailer of booze.

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