The red pill is leftiness, and Germany was once the king at it.
The lefty drugs are only for countries that got wealthy on hard-nosed engineering, When the red pill kills that income, down you go.
Lefties are great, wonderful people, full of empathy. They have one problem -- they can't do anything. And by that, I mean create wealth. They are a tax on the system - overhead.
This comes from the fact that every leftie quit math in high school. No lefty proposal comes with a cost, or will ever use the Scientific Method. Everything depends on money growing on trees. "You can't put a cost to this! or Worth it at any price!
Germany started the final death convulsions when it closed perfectly good nuclear power stations, that would be the pride of any country in the world. They became totally dependent on Russian gas. And those chickens have come home to roost. Let's hope that my forecast of a Little Ice Age doesn't happen.
Now, the other extreme is the US. As a Canadian, I can't stand the inequality, and the rise of the New Elite. I think this will come to bite them, as everybody knows about Edwardian elite, and the rise of wars. In other words, the elite descendants, are idiots.
So, my proposal is for everyone to think of cost-benefits, but on a longer term, of a decade or two. We need welfare to bring back people to happily work. If work is a hell-hole, we need to improve it. You have to help alcohol and drug addiction by effective means, that pay back. All government taxes must result in increased tax revenue through improved living standards.
The US loves it's horrible slums. In Palo Alto you can't find workers, because one side is millionaire row, and across the street, it's bullet-time. Society makes money if you can melt the boundaries a bit, just for plumbers. The US used to be all Dickvandyke middle class, and now it is just muskiness and jail.
We see Germany fall, and join France in the hopeless club. The north guys still live on oil and gas. Soon, it will be like the end of warmth. Ask the UK. Canada may be next, but we get immigrants to keep us going. The US will seal its borders, and become isolationist, like in the dirty thirties.
I'm only compelled to write this because all I ever see are long-term things driven by forces. We can always live in the happiness of ignorance.
Politically, I can't see an improvement voting for the righties. I believe that ordinary people have to step up to the plate. Our media is stuck on repeating horrible comments that should be left in the ground. I will have hope when we do more effective things.
Legalize all drugs, and grow them. They only go for 'elephant pain killer' if nothing else is available. The farming of cocaine and opium can pay for the drug treatments. The only treatment that works is being in an institution where you can drink all you want, or inject all your want. People eventually decide to get out of the farm, and back to life.
Now, if anybody reads this, they would go on bluiesky, and vent. None of that works, it's only grist for the useless media mill. Why can't trudie dance with his kids? He is the 'fun dad' after all -- poor mother.
Vote for anybody who will be rational, not that pp guy who loves Indian influence.