Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Arctic blob becomes clear

 This was in the Toronto weather forecast for a while, but I couldn't see it.  Everything was too mucky.

Now, it is very clear, and it is powerful.  Nice working weather for the cottage.  

ps.  omg!  We are having Spain Guy's wet dream.  Huge storm over us now, black as pitch, like a solar eclipse.  

Canada Auto-Bot Answers:

Why is it such a cold and miserable summer?  - climate change

Why is there such a huge storm over us?  - climate change

ps. video

Spain Guy - eat your heart out!

ps.  almost lost the daughter in the garden, while she was looking for a tomato.  We rescued the shoe.

Ps lots of power outages. We have our power back. 

ps it's all due to heat, and not the cold coming down


Neil T said...

Still dry... Resevoirs at 3%. Grape vines dead along with pine trees. It's fun, fun, fun. My gf in SW England is up to her ass in rain... and cold and mould. Even RainAlarm here is wrong.. Last week it showed a big storm right over me but I couldn't tell when I looked outside as the sun was too bright to see anything. :-)

Harold Asmis said...

That climate change is a capricious beast...