Saturday, January 27, 2024

Pickering B going for refurb


I did not see this coming.  After all the horrible things they've done there, I was happy to know it was going out the door.  Now, it's hanging around forever.

I am too old to go after it, and the process is so corrupt anyway.  I'm pretty confident that no disaster will happen in my lifetime, and my descendants can take care of themselves.  I'll be sleeping.

If you want to know exactly what can happen, there are some old posts.  The Hamilton Fault has about a 1 in 10,000 per year chance of happening, and that's plus or minus a factor of 10.

We will enjoy the PR press saying it's fine.  I would like a seismic walkthrough like they did for Pick A, but that's not going to happen.  PickB would fail miserably.

They'll go on and on about how the heavy system is seismically designed.  That's selective reasoning that we have endured with the warmies.  It's all good.

***This is all fine!  Bloody Perfect!  Since nobody reads me, the tree has fallen in the woods without a sound....

ps.  this won't kill any more people than a complete lack of earthquake preparation.

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