Monday, January 22, 2024

Microsoft gets hacked


This just reminds me of my lifetime of battles with these guys.  They are the same as warmies, in ignoring basic forces.  People rely on anti-virus which comes out weeks after a new exploit, and those exploits show up every other day.

I really don't want to say anything, because the nasties come out and say "You can make it perfectly secure.'  But this headline says it all.  They have infinite money to secure things, and they can't.

90% of the hacks are with ms.  Dysfunctional corporations always insist that the executive have full access to everything on the computers that their kids play with.  It is not good.  

If you have a standard ms system, you will get hacked when they come around to you.  If you have survived so far, it's because they are busy.  Have fun.

ps.  and googs is getting 'old company disease', which ms has had forever.

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