Friday, January 26, 2024

State of the oceans - Jan 26, 2023

 The ocean current maps are in.  

That return current has really decayed.  Another week or two, and it's gone.  Since it was the cause of the Apparent El Nino, that is also almost gone.

It will take amazing PR talent to make something of this.  I am more interested in the little blob of heat in the west Pacific.

This is caused (maybe) by a zone of coherent flow that looks like a big smear.  I've never seen that before.  It could be the source of the monster tropical plumes that are shattering my prediction of more Arctic spills, like we had at the beginning of January.  If those plumes die, then we are back to what I thought would happen.

But, really, this is a chaotic system, and only follows a steady pattern for a while, then turns on a dime.  I just follow it, and get smashed every time it flips.  Neat.  My buddies, the warmies, never let it bother them.

ps.  nobody is looking at the map

pps.  and they are preparing the way to say it never existed.

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