Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Explanations for my buddy - Part 2

 No predictions from influencers are ever right.  They make up for that by endless explanations 'after the fact'.  There is no need for physics, since everybody and their dog just lap this up.

The 'Heart of Chaos' (West Pacific) spits out atmospheric plumes.  These are high-energy events full of warm water vapour.  It's a funny thing that an equal volume of water can contain 4000 times more heat energy than that of dry air.  Warm, wet air contains at least a 1000 times more heat energy than dry air (equal temperatures, volumes).  I wish somebody would actually do those calculations.  I roughed them out and it hurt my brain.

This is the latest plume to shoot into the North.  I only do the north, because, well, who cares about those other guys?  You can see the greater intensity of plumes to the south during the north's winter.

An 'atmospheric low' is always the tip of these 'Spears of Heat'.  

The low pressure is caused by the mechanism of the heat rising in response to the cold air coming in.  In terms of physics, a 'low' doesn't exist as an object, just like the 'jet stream' doesn't exist.  They are the 'symptoms' or 'effects' of a mechanism.

Focusing on just the tip ignores the huge stream of energy feeding it.  A 'high' is just a cold blob of air, where the air density is causing the high pressure.  It doesn't exist.

-more later -- I've used up my brain time for the day.

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