Thursday, January 11, 2024

Natgas goes for the super-zoom

 I predicted this, but thought it would be earlier.  That darn 'Cyclone Frenzy' delayed things a bit.  

Because they were so bamboozled by nooa on a warm winter, this will go up to 8, maybe, who knows?  I don't want my dozen readers to lose their life savings on this, but if you have 10% 'mad money', go for it.

Will Dallas hit -20?  That depends on a very weak Gulf air incursion.  I'll give 80% it will happen, and freeze for more than 10 days.  If not this one, then the next, but I don't see anything coming to bust it.

If everybody finally gives up on the 'El Nino Cavalry' coming to the rescue, then who knows what will happen?

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