Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Young people giving up on social media

 On the elevator yesterday, two health professional young women stated 'I'm giving up on social media.'  The other said 'Me too, who has the time?'.  They concluded that it wasn't doing them any good.

In the old days, you would have Walter Cronkite do the news, and you would believe him.  His integrity was tied with his influencer powers.  With social media, we now have a total detachment between integrity and influence.  This will soon get so ridiculous that everybody will give up on influencers.

The 'pure influencers' with the weather are 'momentum investors'.  This doesn't work in a downturn.  That's the time for 'contrarians'.  And they don't work for long.

The new influencers have redefined a lot of terms, such as 'climate', which was always a 'looking back' thing.  Now, they are all over themselves 'explaining' or giving excuses, on why they were totally out to lunch on the winter prediction.  This is classic 'hindcasting' or 'how the leopard got its spots' thing.  I look at their videos and I totally believe.  However, I am now digging out my long underwear I haven't worn for 30 years.  Might be a big run on it in the stores.

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