Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Extreme warmth still happens in a cooling world


This is great because the arguments go both ways.  It just depends on the charismatic power of the influencer.  So, for them, there is no way to tell if things are warming or cooling, you just have to believe what they say.

I don't mind that everybody is happy with this situation.  The Scientific Method is gone, and everything is just a political argument that they dress up by calling it 'science', because 'scientists' are behind it.

So, we can have long, cold winters, and short, stagnant summers, and it is all just popular opinion.  I love it!  Just stack the wood in the fall.

ps. our warming world...

pps. and now they trot out the old one 'It could have been worse.'  They use this for giant ozone holes.

You simply can't beat these 'arguments'.  There is no degree of cold that means anything against this.  The warmies were totally beaten by the cold, since they predicted warmth, but you wouldn't know it.  We are going back to 1830 weather with 10 foot snow, and 'it could be worse.' ....

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