Monday, January 22, 2024

The next one cometh

 I just saw the bulge of this last night, and thought it wouldn't be anything in the morning.

With my energy system, I call this an M9, but it isn't in the Toronto forecast yet.  Perhaps the monster landslide will ground out?

The media is full of warmie excuses of how a single cold spell doesn't mean anything.  How about two?  Three?  

The UK still has cyclones, so no spills for them.

ps.  my rating system is the same as for earthquakes.  It can be tied to energy in some manner, some day, when they do physics again.  Right now, as for Richter, M9 is whopping big, and M5 is meh.  I take wind coherence, size, and temperature into account.  This is a new hypothesis, so it is risky.  This M9 should chill the toes in Texas.  It is extra potent because there is no leakage to the UK.

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