Friday, January 12, 2024

NOAA loses the crash

 Today is a huge celebration time.  As expected, they don't show the crash.  It's like a report that Toronto housing prices haven't gone down 50% forever.  If you want to sell news, it better be happy.

This is the 'Decembers only' plot that is the only plot their PR department reads.

This is the plot that resembles the others, except they are still on the stagnant top.  It's all a matter of perspective.

They should break out the bubbly before it freezes and shatters the bottle.  Yeah for them!  I'm totally onboard for a party.

ps. and here is their PR department

I am so impressed that I shall follow Oates and go out without my coat.

According to Scott's diary, as Oates left the tent he said, "I am just going outside and may be some time."

pps.  nooa's PR dept knocked down natgas for a minute, now it's charging again.  They don't believe them????

more:  this frozen gloom is killing me!  My red-flashing is great, feels like I've actually been in the sun, whatever that is..

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