Friday, January 12, 2024

Arctic cold beats back all tropical plumes

 Today is celebration day for the warmies.  Nooa puts out its world temperatures showing the collapsing spike.  But, maybe they cut off the collapse.

In the alternate reality from them, the stuff that can really kill you, we have no heat energy coming for us.

Everything is getting hit by cold.

The Toronto forecast tells it all.

About -10C is the coldest Toronto can get until the lakes freeze.

Huntsville is real winter, but -15C is warm.  I expect -40 soon.  The fine winters of my youth.

ps.  this answers my question when I was young, on why Dec 21 (solstice) isn't the coldest day of the years.  It's because of the huge amount of residual heat in the oceans.  Right now, we are living off the residual heat energy of the lakes, and soon that will be gone, so the end of January starts the real cold.

pps.  and in that other reality of the media, they are still going with 'Polar Vortex Fairies', which makes sense if you never worry about physical mechanisms.

more:  as the cold hits, my readership has gone way down.  I guess everybody can't get their fingers working in the cold.


Neil T said...


Harold Asmis said...

Ha, they're always saying that. This time it might really happen. The fire barrel joke was for the russians who have melted all their heating metal for tanks that don't exist.

Harold Asmis said...

I'm thinking of a new literary genre. I love British steam-punk, but now I'm thinking of Ice Age Britannia. Fantastic!