Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Standard AI article on earthquakes


Honestly, nobody can tell the diff between AI and the regular pap.  I think articles will become so AI-ish, that nobody will read them.  It's the same with withering, nasty comments on X-cellence.  There will be a 'Dial a nasty comment', and everybody can do it.

These are the standard comments that all institutions will put out.  I'm surprised they haven't asked the old company to roll out its standard nodding head.

Is this a learning earthquake?  No.  It's exactly the same as the Chile earthquake, and nothing was learned from that.  They had lots of recorders, but not a lot of building monitoring that I know of.  A true learning earthquake would shatter a lot of assumptions, and I don't see it.  We wait for another good earthquake from Taiwan.

ps obviously this earthquake was a big mess for its size, and ground motion.  All the wood buildings smashed to tinder and a big fire.  Many buildings destroyed.  I don't think they had this in a plan, and the emergency response wasn't good.

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