Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Welcome to my nightmare -- Part 1

 As you know, I've had a dark past doing physics.  It is something that I'll deny until my brain turns to mush, just like trumpy.  My darkest moment was working on a nuclear plant that shall remain nameless.

This nightmare is so horrible, I rate it PG for the 10 people in the world that know physics.  Tikkytoks won't be affected at all.

A decade or two ago, there was thought of refurbishing this imaginary nuclear plant.  The last remaining great minds were on it, just like the Niagara Tunnel.  My thoughts show me visiting it and going inside an egg.  It was like going down in Das Boot.  

You go through a small hatch, and it is instant claustrophobia.  Everything and the dog is jammed into here, except there is no room to swing the dog.  That is the containment.  It's like building your basement around a huge bed-couch.

We looked at the physics of trying to refurb.  You have to pop off the top of the egg, lift it by a sky hook, and place the egg shell on the adjacent one for safe keeping.  Then you scoop out the egg and replace it with new stuff.  Pop the shell back on and away you go.  We deemed this to be impossible.

However, that was then and this is now.  New technology has brought us influencers who can lip-flap about doing anything.  However, if you are stuck in a physics world, you realize that you are greatly disturbing concrete that is at the end of its lifetime.  They can glue the lid back with crazy glue, but these things can barely pass a pressure test now.  2 points to those who can figure out what happens.

The containment was never designed to hold back steam pressure.  If there was a big leak, a rupture disk pops and the steam goes through the rickety concrete passageway to the vacuum building.  There, the steam is sprayed with water.  and the vacuum continues.  Only one leak at a time, please.

Do not make any attempt to think about this.  Not recommended without a good dose of my cannabis.

-- Next, we go to the real horror of the dream -- maybe not.  If you believe in fairies, clap your hands.  To the PR department -- nobody reads me, No need to bring out the talking heads.

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