Good for them. They are the first people in the world to listen to the official "Do Not Panic!" For me, it's panic now or panic later, but they have been calmed.
It is all on nooa now. The lack of physics has become serious. They are going to drain all their storage, and people will die. Or not. Canada has to wait until the end of January to make a fortune.
The official position is that this whole cold thing is just a minor blip and we will soon go back to the official prediction of a mild winter, with no snow in Texas. Well, I really want that fantasy, because it is dang cold for my dog walk. The UK can also relax, because the big US institutions rule the world. Our fun billionaires are all jammed around St. Barts.
So the choice has never been clearer - Party with cheap natgas like it's 1999, or whatever. If the cold follows physics, then you can storm the 'Two N's" and burn their desk chairs for warmth. You will be carrying a pre-pardon to murder anybody.
On Jan 21, trumples will stand up to announce 'The war on Canada', but at the moment he goes to the podium, he'll say "Why is so damn cold in here?"
ps. live view of Dallas, Texas. Do they even have a snow plow?
Note to Dallas. Do not use your car gun to scrape ice off the windshield.
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