Thursday, January 16, 2025

Rationality seizes Ontario

 As we start to hit a regular -30C, there is hope we will ship all our warmies to Ottawa, under 10 feet of snow.

They are still mentioning Lake Erie, but try sucking up ice for the plant.

No, Virginia, we are going to Wesleyville for the nuclear plant.  This is my dream.  We need a 4,000 MW Darlington-type reactor with my new design for the fuel elements to stop the Water Laser Effect.  However, I still think the old company is brain-dead, and who know what will happen?

As well, we can go to another of my dreams for a full nuclear research facility, connected by super-train to Toronto.  That way we can get in some brains, if the Stalinist management retires.  We need a total wacky like Young Muskie, instead of the current Addled Mushie.

Will Ontario release the brains from Central Control?  Will we have a spacex of nuclear energy?  I would love it, but can't see it.  All of the NA east is controlled by monopolists, and trumpy is now the poster child of Stalinism.  We can only hope.

This starts me thinking on how we could get a NukeX.  All of it is political suicide, and I am now working to kill my brain with a stick.  

ps. this is my impression of Canadian Central Control.

No nuclear plants for us.

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