Monday, January 27, 2025

Arctic blob starts its move

The weather people have bet big money on having this blob remain an M7 shrimp that can't cross the border and freeze Texas.  This would be the final nail removed from the coffin to let out the vampire of a natgas price explosion.  So, they can't have that.  

I am watching this closely, since I can't think of any mechanism that could dribble out the cold.  It is not a variable valve.  It's a full tip-bucket, all or nothing.  To me the valve is like a natural glacial earth dam that get over-topped with a thin trickle at first.  Then it cuts the dam for an exponential super-flood.  

The only pattern for the blobs is to get bigger and bigger, until the Arctic warms again.  The dense Arctic air, acting as a fluid, could be drained off elsewhere, but that's not happening.  In the real case, our earth dam is the Pacific clipper.  If it holds, the blob just slides off at a diagonal, and just hits trumpypants.

 If it is following my hypothesis, then it will blow away the clipper.  This looks like it is happening now, but I'll see tomorrow.  It should go to a monster M9.5, that makes the last one look like a weenie.  We'll get snow in Cuba!  Of course, it would be back to the drawing board, if the weather people are correct on this.  I would have to find a mechanism for a variable valve, and that is impossible without measurements.

If it is a mega-super-monster-blob, then the 'two n's', are struck a blow.  Won't do anything to lip-flappers though, they'll just come up with some new excuse, and nobody will remember their forecasts.

ps The above is all nonsense!  This morning it is obvious it is an extremely weak blob, barely skimming Toronto.  Somehow, a little burp of cold air was released.  I am all astonishment.

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