Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trump starts his move on commie US federal agencies

 The evil genius has started to move.

If there is one thing I wanted him to do, it was clearing out the commie fed agencies.  They are past their due date.  They have the collective intelligence of a gnat.

He gets rid of the independent auditors.  Now, he can turn it over to the mushie hitman, saying there is no control on their spending.  Whoops, out the door!  Then. like the WHO, he can say sorry, and remake them in his image.

This is so fantastic that I know it won't happen.  He'll get another alzies brain fart, and the plan is all gone.

ps.  he has got China and Russia quaking, with the concept of Mad King George on the throne.  They have played the long game of installing weeping weenies in power all over the place.  They are going with 'Let us kill you all with conventional weapons, or we'll kill you all with nuclear war.'.  The leftie weenies go cry, cry "Oh, billions of poor people killed", and they roll over.  Trump goes "Bring it on, my bunker is better than your bunker.".  Neat, bluff called.

In fact, he should work on post-armageddon invasions of the commie bunkers.  Just harden up the regular troops with masks, and train them for the final suicide mission.  


He's going to put up walls and starve us out.  No need to have a fight with Alberta, no energy crossing the walls.

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