This chart is from nooa itself, using 'all months'. I consider the data before 1980 to be of a different resolution and they shouldn't put this on the chart. You can see a baseline drift of the satellite records. Regardless, we have had our peaks, and it has been almost colder than this year between the peaks. Just look at the valley years and search "winter of ...."
My hypothesis is that ocean current shifts are causing all this. You can check it by looking at ocean currents during and after the peaks. There is good physics here, and it is left out. My hypothesis of satellite drift is confirmed by looking at the only stable tide gauge. It just shows the peaks and valleys, and no post-1980 drift. This could be the biggest math error of all.
Our polymastia has been cured and we only have 2 large ones. Seems to be a theme this week.
There is no major reversal. I have seen 'reversal heating events' with every temperature peak. No physics or degree of cold, will be sufficient to blow the groupthink. natgas at 20 bucks, maybe.
For the UK and Europe, no heat is getting up into the Greenland Gap. The Gulf Stream has left the building. It was going good for a while.
The world air temperatures are still up there, and that gives nooa great confidence to double down. Who can argue with them? It is impossible, they hold all the cards. The world air temp chart has no physics.
The Nino Zone temperatures are diving to new record lows.
This is a chart with physics. It showed our teensy heating event that drifted some hot air over the North, but that's all gone now. The North Atlantic charts are going down, which again supports 'natgas is gold' for the Greater Europe Area.
The ocean reports are for long-term considerations. The big question is whether we get another peak, or we zoom down. The satellite plots will never go below the drift zone, so the influencers can last forever. It's just that our heating bills (degree days) will go up to the 70's level, or Little Ice Age level if we had natgas in those days. The leftwingers don't care because their main thing is 'Money grows on trees'. That defines them.
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