Yeah, Quebec has started our Ban-Bill campaign to ban US billionaires. They are back to 3 day delivery from Ontario. Better to not order from them at all, and pay twice as much at stores.
They can continue this to get Starlink banned from Quebec. Mushie already did it for India. Not a speck of data going there. And nobody in Quebec is using Faceybook, so the trifecta is complete.
Will Ontario join them? Will Appeaser Alberta? We look forward to the news.
Fact check -- It is not true at all that Quebec drove them out with commie unions. That is a lie on the grandest of grandness. For Ontario, since Costco has beer, no Ontario person will ever set foot in Quebec. One for one! Everybody is an island!
ps I am generally moving my buying to China. Delivery is down to 9 days at half-price of Amazon, on Aliexpress. Ammie may generally withdraw from everybody, but they still are my top place to buy major things, because China can't get through Canada Customs. I also order major things from the Costco web site.
more ps. If trumpypants goes full attack on Canada, we should drop all restrictions and tariffs on China. To heck with Taiwan! This is war!
ps the smart thing to do is to give up on ms-wndows. It will never happen.
ps I have the funniest story of a Texa company going to Ontario, and then Quebec. Suffice to say, the troubleness gap to Ontario, is the same as Ontario to Quebec (double trouble).
ps some weenie plant in Ontario wants to unionize. There goes Amazon out of Canada.
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