Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Formation of the Mega-Blob

 It is just killing me that the Germans have declared a mega-blob, and the Canadians are going with it.  The mega-blob would be defined by a perfectly smooth lobate front over the whole continent.  That's in their forecast, but I don't see it.

If I squint my eyes just right, I can see it.  Maybe tomorrow.

In the Arctic we have the perfect conditions for an M9 mega-blob.  Alaska and Europe are plugged up, and all the ketchup is being squeezed to Canada.  An m-b is so thick that it ignores all the normal channels.  It will give Texas a nice -20C.  

ps. an M8 mb will skirt the mountains and stop at the Gulf of Mexico.  An M9, which is what I am expecting one day will ignore the Rocky Mountains, freeze the produce of California and Florida, and hit the Caribbean.  Since I am going on vacation, I hope that is next year.

ps if the front smooths out, then the forecast predicts an M9 mega-blob, from sea to frozen sea.

It should sail down and maintain the perfect curve over the mountains, and hudbay.

ps Albertans will soon be playing tunes on frozen jeans like they did a few years ago.  Texas blew all the natgas power pipes, and then still didn't insulate anything.  That was my definition of an M8.

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