Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Very weak cold blob barely skims Toronto

 Obviously there is a mechanism that allows a weak burp of cold air.

Although I can't see the mechanism right away, the Arctic is warm and in recharge.  I guess it just wasn't ready to blow out.  I have reached the limits of no physics being done.  

The big weather guys are all perfectly fine.  Everything will go back to the warmest year ever, and I go back to the drawing board.  I was too full of myself, anyway.  Natgas can go back to nothing.  No 'Canada's Revenge' drama for turmie.  

Somehow, heat energy suddenly appeared, out of the blue.  I blame those polar vortex fairies.  Such capricious little things, that you can never predict.

ps and don't forget to book your Arctic winter cruise.

ps and no physics needed for this thing, as well.  

ps. since we totally going with the weather people now, I just bought the seeds for my Trumpy Victory Garden, with Ford-Churchhill against the Nasties.  Crap, those seeds are expensive now.  I'll churn up the rest of the backyard now.  4 month summer, planting tomatoes in April....

ps and, of course, we are back to 'Furnace Earth'.  Since I can't find any heat energy in the world, I shall stop thinking about this, and wait for the pixies to do something.

ps the Pacific plume has turned out to be a powerful jet.  I think it did a 'sneak a cup' on the cold air.

ps eggs are gone at Costco.

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