For the most part, the Arctic is in recharge. Lots of dribbles coming out.
We have a weak blob and a clipper really wants to start.
However, Greenland is white, indicating a 'bottled up' situation. We may get some Gulf air coming up the US. Lots of snow.
There is no clear 'Arctic Mechanism' for the high production of cold air. However, stagnant air may be enough.
The 'Santa Anna' mechanism is still in full force. The cold clockwise gyre causing the winds is being shoved up against coast, by a standard rain storm. We can expect a final push of wind, followed by endless rain.
The term 'bottled up' means that the Arctic Cold Volcano will blow again, sending out the thick lava of cold, dense air. During this interlude, nooa can have a field day, singing that the wicked witch is dead, but we know what they did there. The natgas ninnies will have a jittery time, until Thursday, when the storage report comes out.
ps. I am expecting (80%) a mega-blob to hit Europe. Following the volcano analogy, it will be a 'cold lahar' of the type that finished off Pompei. You can think of it as 30% if you want.
ps. I am mixing up lahar and pyroclastic flow, but it is a spectrum. They are both flows that go over the normal lava channels, and that is what I am getting at.
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