Sunday, January 5, 2025

Cold sticking around like a bad party guest


I love snipping out the headlines from the guard.  It is the one type of article where they don't blame it on climate change.  Maybe they do, I never read it.

In NA, the cold is advancing as an undermining slider.  That means it is getting underneath the mimic signal, so it looks like it is stopping.  Not so fast!

A sliding cold lifts all heat.

We have massive cold in the US, and it's going to complete the trifecta of Texas and Florida and whatever.

For the longer term, looks like the top of the Greenland Gap is finally cold enough to stop turnover.  That means it will freeze sold soon, and is a prime indicator of the Little Ice Age.

The flow is strong in this one.  That's a full channel flow and is not a slider.  You would see clean fronts on the mimic, if it was working today.

On Monday, the silly natgas traders are going to freak out.  The price is '30 day futures' which means they think in terms of a month ahead.  They will realize that nooa has betrayed them, and the Texas gas pipes will freeze up, as well as their paltry gas storage will slurp the straw.  Or not, those guys are insane.

Please remember, that as a satire site, I go to 'absolute' when it is 80% certain.  That leaves a lot for failure, which I love, because it means new physics.  Just prepare for anything, and don't be a slave to cold-talking, like those warmies.

ps the washpost isn't frozen yet, it wants to cool the Earth right down to solid ice.

Of course, their cartoonist made a cartoon of the bezosyaht frozen in the ocean, but was rejected.

 Ah, so much trouble in bezosland.


the latest fashion for Florida.  Get yours on ammie today!

Chain Mail Umbrella, made of hardened steel, good for lizards, and falling space junk.

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