Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pickering Nuclear Plant goes ahead


This is fun.  They are going to have an intake tunnel to avoid all the sediment they now suck in.

I was involved with a huge settlement of soil under the electrical supply for Unit 7.  Never did find out where all the soil went and nobody cared.  I now have a hypothesis that all the ground under the plant settled and we have a huge cavern underneath where we could race cars.  I give that 80% of being true.

That's because it was built on piles to compensate for the mushy ground.  These piles produced a very sturdy foundation, but the ground most likely consolidated because of drainage from the original well points.  A good radar study would find the concrete floating up about 3 m from the ground.  This, of course, is a hypothesis, and like the cat, does not exist unless somebody is going to do something about it.

Without any studies, it remains an interesting fantasy.  You cannot use the Scientific Method as a doomer story, because that would expose all the doomer stories.

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