Monday, January 27, 2025

Clipper is breaking, full Arctic blob forming


The Pacific plume feed has stopped and the clipper is sagging under the weight of an Arctic blob.  Right now, it looks small, but if it pushes against the Pacific air, we may have to evaluate again.

The blob is raggy because of a vortex over Hudson Bay.  Greenland is showing a flash of white, which is always a reliable signal.

If the vortex stops, we'll get straight airflow, which is another thing bumping up the magnitude, or total impact.  Right now, it looks like a weak M7 blob, but all the conditions are right for a full spill, maybe an M8.  I don't think it's an M9 or 9.5, like I've said was coming, because that would blow out the vortex and Pacific air.

California has more Arctic air for the fires, and we'll just call that proof of clange.  Why rock the boat?  Looks like Trump is too busy ruining everybody's morning coffee, to go after the big institutions.

ps the forecast has this blob stopped at the border, so it is only an M6 tiny thing.

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