I have finally got the stuff. This is an ADXL355 mems accelerometer with 2g range and 20 bits. It is 16 times more sensitive than all the 16 bit things I have fooled around with. I was putting them in parallel to try and get an extra 2 bits (factor of 4), and now this thing comes along.
I'm not going to harp on engineers. Suffice to say they are exactly like clange, clinging on to power through enforcing a priesthood. I ran into good structural engineers in California, putting in really stiff foundations for those giant tech campuses. Ha, all that love down the drain. Maybe they can make farms out of them.
My 2buck accels are a step closer to 'smart dust'. But who the heck is going to monitor this? Accels are now wasted by using 'triggers', something from the 1800's. The future for AI's is not replacing humans where humans are happy, but in doing the stuff that makes my head fall off. We can't expect AI's to come up with the quantum spark of originality, but I can throw in many hypotheses, and test them out. That's what I'm working on.
The real benefit of 2buckers is in before and after the earthquake. During the earthquake, it is pure chaos, even though the engineers believe otherwise. Before, the AI can come up with a profile of normal performance, stiffness, etc. After, we see how that changed. It would save a lot of lives.
For example, my scenario earthquake for Toronto, would destroy every cheap condo. People would eventually get out safely, after a few days of starving, but then there would be the false promise of 'evaluation'. That's just looking at the building and saying, 'Yup, it's okay'. That doesn't work, as the Christchurch earthquake showed. For Toronto condos, the monitors would show if the structure softened and would collapse in the very long aftershock sequence. I expect every single one of them to fail the monitoring test, but the downtown bank towers would be okay. They went very 'old school' and made them stiff. The new things are all 'design build' which pushes the codes, because there is so much money in it. Think of the lives saved by going into the downtown bank towers in the winter.
Don't worry, we'll never have a Toronto Earthquake, according to the influencers, but this would be good for California. It will never happen, for the same reason the clangers will never do physics. Too much chance of thowing those guys out into 'the hedge rows to starve'. Would you plunge the knife into your own heart?
As before, I'm hooking up the 20 bit accelerometers to the raspi, but that's the easy part. The hard part for me is the monitoring, which drives me up the boring wall. I hope to make a breakthrough there, or it will all gather dust again.
ps don't forget that the people even more useless, are the seismic people, and the emergency planning people. They could do cheap stuff to save lives now, but that would require physics. Much better to shrug your shoulders after, and say "Who knew?".