Friday, January 31, 2025

All warmie projects are dead, after killing all the animals


And yet, the new Liverals are all about supporting this.  Very sad.

Let's give the new coin to Trump, hanging on a thread


I promise, I will soon tire of this new Chinese toy.

Trump flying too high


Ah, I think you're flying too high, or maybe too low.  And where is that damn woman with the coffee?

So, the air traffic controllers are all white males.  The diversity program there would have a tough slog trying to get in females, etc.  Once they were fired, the women would quit, because they didn't want to keep getting the coffee.

ps I'm imagining the apprentice is a fierce, bright young black lady, whose job is to keep the stupid drones, and helicopters away, all operated by young white males.  She's shouting all the time on the radio "For God's sake, this is an airport!  Keep away!".  She's having a real tough time, trying to herd idiots, and all the white males hate her.  Her only protection was the diversity manager.  She was fired, and this lady said "Hell no, I'm not fetching the white man's coffee!', and promptly followed the diversity people out the door, along with thousands.  Remember no matter what you think, they had a lot of diversity people in the pipeline, all now without any support, and probably all gone.

Reminds me of seeing a city crew at a hydrant leak.  The main instrument cabin was a man-cave, full of fat, white, old union workers, with offensive things hung up, like an old black t-shirt with a white skull (maybe that's just Black Sabbath).  Anyway, I, as an old white male, would cringe to go there.  I can imagine a diversity person, and things are 20 times worse in the States.

Political Cartoons come back

 Nobody wants to pay those artists, so we have to make do.

Doesn't look like Doug, digging hole for construction in ice.

Mark Carney is good at the tropical North Pole.

And Chrystia Freeland with 'Money grows on trees'

No honour among thieves


We do have fun in this world.  

ps and my fav, Alibaba qwen says this

My training data comes from a diverse range of sources, all internally accumulated by Alibaba Group. This includes a vast corpus of text data from the internet, books, articles, and other high-quality sources. The data is carefully curated to ensure it is comprehensive and up-to-date, covering a wide array of topics and languages. This extensive and varied dataset helps me understand and respond to a multitude of questions and tasks across different domains and contexts. However, I do not use data from other large language models or external datasets for my training.

I totally believe them, because why would you want the crap MS stuff?

ps and here's an image from it for today's Toronto weather

I think it does images better than the others, with physics.

and googs won't give me this, for Canada War Day

Slow Arctic blob finally hits the border


That's one heck of a slow blob.  The Pacific air is finally gone.  Note that a fine section of -50 is heading to trumpland.

For Toronto, we have a Battle of the Blobs, with a big hunk of Gulf air coming up.

Some fine weather coming in for Toronto.

The winds don't tell us much, since they are just zooming by, and not aligning with the blob front.  This will be another huge drain on the US natgas supply, and they might still be asleep at the switch.  We'll be in a fine position for Trmp to cut off all oil and gas.

ps. the Toronto weather forecast has the Arctic blob losing to the warmth.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Natgas storage in new territory


In the old days, everybody would have started panicking by now, but this is the new era where everybody just 'knows' it will get super warm soon.

The Pacific jet has stopped, and it looks like another super-blob, but what do I know?  

It's really not a strong signal, and could stop at the border.  There is still a chance it is M9ish, and it could roll to Texas, but I'm waiting for the next one.

I have no idea, and I've stopped predicting, since this one was so mucked with the Pacific jet.  Doesn't bother us in Toronto.

Trump totally to blame for the crash


I'm going to use the same logic, since everybody uses the same logic.

Suddenly, the US forces get the command they have to do police work on the border.  "Holy Crap, they say, we've got to get Blackhawks all over the place."  Time to dredge up all the bottom dwellers for helicopter training.  The concept of 'airport' is the third lesson.

Remote pumped storage, a hilarious warmie idea

 We have to kill the carbon tax, because there is nothing to spend it on.  Every single 'climate initiative' is a disaster, mainly because of no physics.  It's sad that I now part ways with Doug Ford.  

Although pumped storage is wonderful beside the Niagara hydro plant, it can't be on a stringer of the grid in the middle of nowhere.

It looks like they put a lot of money into the glossy brochures, so I'm just saying it has no physics.  That underwater line has to be trenched 3 m down because of ice ridges.  It is the lossiest thing in the world.

We looked at a Lake Erie crossing.  You can't put an AC line deep in the ground, under water.  We were looking at a DC line, with converters at each end.  A DC line builds up a huge induction energy load, and if it breaks, it has to go to ground, killing all the cows within 5 miles.

An AC line has to sit on the top, waiting for the Russians to drag anchors.  Neato.  Don't put money into this.

As well, surplus electricity has to go down the teeny lines to the water entrance.  Then it goes back again. The energy losses are staggering.  However, it will be better than windmills and solar cells.

ps yeah, pumped storage at 40 below.  Can't wait.

ps I'm a site-selection geophysics expert.  Much as the power line needs to be buried, we will need a 1 km long underground intake and outflow (same thing), tunneled in crap rock.  Even then, I am thinking of a frozen bay, and strong north winds at 40 below.  

ps nobody reads me, so this can go to the polls as the same as the Niagara Tunnel to Nowhere, worth it at any cost.

ps forgot about frazil ice during the winter.  

ps but this project is as good as building Bruce C on swiss-cheese rock.

US enters a dark period

 The US always goes up and down.  Usually, the great thing about it, mainly due to immigrants, is that it bounces back up again.  We had the 'Era of Tech Giants' which really brought them up, and it was all due to the Canadians (and Indians) in California.

Now, all those giants have been surviving by being predators.  They buy up anything that looks like competition, and kill it.  They are now choking on their own greed.

In Canada, we must detach from the US, before they sink us.  We must also detach from the wallowing hippos.  Ban MS, etc, and go with open source.  Join with the Chinese to make new applications for Europe.  We can be so great, especially when he deports the 5 million Canadians there.

But, in reality, nothing exciting happening here.

New Quen chat AI clears the physics test

 In the Earth's atmosphere, **convection** dominates heat flow in the lower atmosphere (troposphere), while **radiation** plays a more significant role in the upper atmosphere and in the overall energy balance of the planet.

### 1. **Convection in the Troposphere**

   - **Dominance**: Convection is the primary mechanism for heat transfer in the troposphere, which extends from the Earth's surface up to about 8–15 km (depending on latitude and season).

   - **Mechanism**: Convection occurs because the Earth's surface absorbs solar radiation and heats the air directly above it. Warm air rises, cooler air sinks, and this creates vertical motion and turbulence, transferring heat upward.

   - **Role**: This process is critical for distributing heat vertically in the atmosphere and horizontally through wind patterns. It drives weather systems and helps regulate temperature gradients across the planet.

   - **Example**: Thunderstorms are an example of convection-driven phenomena, where warm air rises rapidly, cools, and condenses to form clouds and precipitation.

### 2. **Radiation in the Atmosphere**

   - **Dominance**: Radiation becomes increasingly important in the upper atmosphere and in the global energy balance.

   - **Mechanism**: The Earth absorbs shortwave solar radiation and emits longwave infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases (e.g., CO₂, water vapor, methane) absorb and re-emit this infrared radiation, trapping heat in the atmosphere.

   - **Role**: Radiation governs the exchange of energy between the Earth's surface, the atmosphere, and space. It determines the planet's overall temperature and climate.

   - **Example**: The greenhouse effect is a radiative process that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life.

### 3. **Comparison**

   - **Lower Atmosphere (Troposphere)**: Convection dominates because the density of air allows for efficient vertical mixing. Heat is transferred primarily through rising warm air and sinking cool air.

   - **Upper Atmosphere (Stratosphere and Beyond)**: Radiation dominates because the air is much thinner, making convection inefficient. Energy transfer occurs mainly through the absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation by gases and particles.

### 4. **Interaction Between Convection and Radiation**

   - Convection and radiation are interconnected. For instance:

     - Convection transports heat to higher altitudes, where radiative processes can then emit that heat to space.

     - Clouds, which form due to convection, also play a key role in reflecting incoming solar radiation (albedo effect) and trapping outgoing infrared radiation.

### Conclusion

In summary, **convection dominates atmospheric heat flow in the troposphere**, while **radiation dominates in the upper atmosphere and in the Earth's energy balance with space**. Both processes are essential for understanding the Earth's climate system and its dynamics.

**Final Answer**: **Convection dominates atmospheric heat flow in the lower atmosphere (troposphere), while radiation dominates in the upper atmosphere and in the global energy balance.**

Wow, Alibaba has my new favourite AI chat.  I'll try and get actual numbers, but nobody is measuring that.  That other Chinese chat is a loser.  Stock markets should fall just for this one.


ps obviously you don't ask the question - Is chinatrump as much of a doofus as ustrump?

ps they give the ratio, the exact opposite of that other chatbot

In the troposphere , convection accounts for about 70-80% of the vertical heat transport, while radiation contributes the remaining 20-30% .

Travel Advisory for the Untied States


The helicopters are everywhere, looking for immigrants.  When going to the southern islands for a tiny big of warmth, do not go through the US.  

ps nothing much on the weather front.

ps and the US Fed to be hit with tariffs.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Deep Seek good for the masses, but gets the physics wrong

 When I ask Google, I get that convection is dominant, but radiation is 'none negligible'.  I can't get a number for the life of me.

For Deep Seek, it happily gives me a number.

Overall ratio (surface to stratosphere): Radiation accounts for about 80-85% of the heat transfer, while convection accounts for 15-20%.

Which is totally wrong.  I'm trying to get a number, since I suspect it is less than 1%, but I give up for now.

ps. Google states that for the current measured lapse rate, it shows that convection is dominant.  But it runs into so much warmie stuff, that it can't give a straight answer.

what would be the temperature lapse rate if radiation were the dominant heat loss mechanism

If radiation were the dominant heat loss mechanism in the atmosphere, we would expect a significantly different temperature lapse rate. Here's why:

Radiative Cooling: Radiation primarily involves the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. In the absence of other significant heat transfer mechanisms, the atmosphere would cool primarily through the emission of infrared radiation to space.

Expected Lapse Rate: A purely radiative atmosphere would likely exhibit a much steeper temperature lapse rate than the observed average of 6.5 °C/km. This is because:

Surface Cooling: The Earth's surface would radiate heat directly to space, cooling rapidly.

Atmospheric Cooling: The lower atmosphere would also cool rapidly through radiative emissions, leading to a strong temperature gradient.

I had to trick it with this roundabout question.

ps.  The measured Lapse Rate is the only solid thing in this whole Influencer Science thing.  It is the reduction of temperature as you go up in a balloon.  Weather balloons measure this all the time.  It is firmly on the side of convection, but nobody will say radiation is insignificant, nor will they give a number.

ps. so we must conclude this is a giant Chinese trap to make us botch up all the physics, so they can roll right over us...  Wait, we already screw up the physics!

Lake Huron on the final freeze


In the good old days, the Bruce Nuclear Plant intake structure was crushed by the ice.  Lake Huron hasn't frozen over for a long time.  Now, you can see that all the 6C water has gone, and the 4C water is dominant.  When the water hits 4, it is at maximum density and sinks in lake winter turnover.  When you see just 2C water, it freezes almost instantly, because there is no more heat energy.  

We are currently getting heat energy from Lake Huron, which causes the snow flurries, but Georgian Bay is now dead (frozen).  I suspect the next big Arctic blob kills the lake and then Toronto is open to -30C.

Yeah, Carney, say something on climate change


I know it's a 'third rail', but say something.  I want you to say "Let's measure it accurately, using the Scientific Method".  That sounds reasonable, but kills the whole clange thing, because the 'hard number' is zero.

You can use the carbon tax money, since you aren't saying anything on that.  I want you to kill pp, or I have to go with the lady.  I think she's ten times smarter than you, but as a woman in trumpyland, she has to be, just to stay even.

Push all the lip-flappers to hard (measured) science.  Do not accept their semantics that 'fuzzy philosophical science' can just be called 'science'.  Blah.

ps this is fuzzy thinking.  The winds were Arctic blasts.  Dry and wet forests are standard, and can be taken care of.

Pacific Streamer 'Beyond the Pale'

 I have no idea what that comparison means, it just popped up in my head, like all my writings.

I had to do a recording on this, because of blank areas.  It shows that amazing Pacific plume that has determined our clipper weather for the last few days.  It zooms over the mountains with nary a speck of change.  All previous plumes have been affected in some way by the mountains, mainly totally stopping, or losing a lot of energy.

This plume must be very high to traipse over the mountains 'like it just don't care'.  It has also been aided by the Arctic recharge, in that the Arctic flow is weak.

This plume is pushing the Arctic blob, and giving us flip-flop weather and lots of snow.  A big blob is dry and just freezes the lakes without snow.

Here you can see the jet is being shot our of a storm, like some black-hole jet.  It is a new phenomenon.  And we have a full Arctic blob that is pushing away the hudbay vortex.

We have something really weird going on.  I am guessing that the Pacific jet is going to give up before the blob, so we will most likely have a blob going down to Texas.  Too bad none of this is measured.

ps the jet is dying by the minute.  The Arctic air is winning the knock-down, drag-out fight.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Very weak cold blob barely skims Toronto

 Obviously there is a mechanism that allows a weak burp of cold air.

Although I can't see the mechanism right away, the Arctic is warm and in recharge.  I guess it just wasn't ready to blow out.  I have reached the limits of no physics being done.  

The big weather guys are all perfectly fine.  Everything will go back to the warmest year ever, and I go back to the drawing board.  I was too full of myself, anyway.  Natgas can go back to nothing.  No 'Canada's Revenge' drama for turmie.  

Somehow, heat energy suddenly appeared, out of the blue.  I blame those polar vortex fairies.  Such capricious little things, that you can never predict.

ps and don't forget to book your Arctic winter cruise.

ps and no physics needed for this thing, as well.  

ps. since we totally going with the weather people now, I just bought the seeds for my Trumpy Victory Garden, with Ford-Churchhill against the Nasties.  Crap, those seeds are expensive now.  I'll churn up the rest of the backyard now.  4 month summer, planting tomatoes in April....

ps and, of course, we are back to 'Furnace Earth'.  Since I can't find any heat energy in the world, I shall stop thinking about this, and wait for the pixies to do something.

ps the Pacific plume has turned out to be a powerful jet.  I think it did a 'sneak a cup' on the cold air.

ps eggs are gone at Costco.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Arctic blob starts its move

The weather people have bet big money on having this blob remain an M7 shrimp that can't cross the border and freeze Texas.  This would be the final nail removed from the coffin to let out the vampire of a natgas price explosion.  So, they can't have that.  

I am watching this closely, since I can't think of any mechanism that could dribble out the cold.  It is not a variable valve.  It's a full tip-bucket, all or nothing.  To me the valve is like a natural glacial earth dam that get over-topped with a thin trickle at first.  Then it cuts the dam for an exponential super-flood.  

The only pattern for the blobs is to get bigger and bigger, until the Arctic warms again.  The dense Arctic air, acting as a fluid, could be drained off elsewhere, but that's not happening.  In the real case, our earth dam is the Pacific clipper.  If it holds, the blob just slides off at a diagonal, and just hits trumpypants.

 If it is following my hypothesis, then it will blow away the clipper.  This looks like it is happening now, but I'll see tomorrow.  It should go to a monster M9.5, that makes the last one look like a weenie.  We'll get snow in Cuba!  Of course, it would be back to the drawing board, if the weather people are correct on this.  I would have to find a mechanism for a variable valve, and that is impossible without measurements.

If it is a mega-super-monster-blob, then the 'two n's', are struck a blow.  Won't do anything to lip-flappers though, they'll just come up with some new excuse, and nobody will remember their forecasts.

ps The above is all nonsense!  This morning it is obvious it is an extremely weak blob, barely skimming Toronto.  Somehow, a little burp of cold air was released.  I am all astonishment.

Go Doug Ford!

 As I walked past his house again on my dog walk, in the freezing wind, I am thinking of some major issues that will never appear anywhere.  All the leftie weenies have started their campaigns of 'money grows on trees' and 'worth it at any cost'

But we are out of money, and have to seriously think of wealth creation.

Release the Housing -  We have a huge overhang of speculative housing from the wild period.  This is just like Japan, except our monopoly banks are not releasing.  You know it's a monopoly when we have excess resources squirreled away, just to keep up prices.

Release renting -- We have a political renting system, designed by the weenies, where landlords are evil, and renters are poor little old ladies getting kicked out on the street.  You just have to read any leftwinger media.  We need to make this just a commercial transaction, and have the landlords as investors.  Nobody wants to rent out into that mess, and it makes a fine playground for crooks.  I propose an independent, for profit organization, called OntarioAirbnh (bread and housing).  This will be our airbnb for long-term renting.  They will do everything to fill houses on a contract basis.  The profit basis is to check they are doing well.  Enough of these commie quasi-gov-organizations.  They would also have a mandate to bust the monopoly mentality.  My California son could come back and run it.

Go more underground -- The underground 401 is a loser, but we can support our skills for tunnels, and export expertise again.  Canada has had a setback with frenchie corruption in the engineering area.  We really need to make things we can sell on masse, not consulting fees, which are the most unproductive thing ever.

Belly up to the Chinese -- A small place like us needs to be like Queen Elizabeth the first, and cosy up to the powerful dukes, while playing them up against each other.  Trump just has his big stick to whack everybody like a Punch and Judy show.  We need to be more clever.  Wouldn't that rot his socks for us to be nice to the Chinese, so he has to pay billions more in defense.  If the Chinese open source all the routers, AI, etc, and go with Linux, we can use their stuff for our communications.  The independent open source people love to look for any 'phone home' crap.  And we get rid of the totally American Imperialist MS, and Coca-cola.  They have secret plans to take over the world.  And the Chinese just announced open source AI stuff that is 10 times more efficient.  Go for it!

Scientific Method -- Come on, we know the weenies have foisted this whole clange thing on us.  Have you ever seen hard numbers?  They just lip-flap away.  Make a stand, Doug.

Clipper is breaking, full Arctic blob forming


The Pacific plume feed has stopped and the clipper is sagging under the weight of an Arctic blob.  Right now, it looks small, but if it pushes against the Pacific air, we may have to evaluate again.

The blob is raggy because of a vortex over Hudson Bay.  Greenland is showing a flash of white, which is always a reliable signal.

If the vortex stops, we'll get straight airflow, which is another thing bumping up the magnitude, or total impact.  Right now, it looks like a weak M7 blob, but all the conditions are right for a full spill, maybe an M8.  I don't think it's an M9 or 9.5, like I've said was coming, because that would blow out the vortex and Pacific air.

California has more Arctic air for the fires, and we'll just call that proof of clange.  Why rock the boat?  Looks like Trump is too busy ruining everybody's morning coffee, to go after the big institutions.

ps the forecast has this blob stopped at the border, so it is only an M6 tiny thing.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Nobody will accept Trump's prison flights


I really have to stop commenting on Tumpy.  It's just too much.  Pretty soon he will make Canada fit in with the crowd of trumpy enemies.  Imagine that he just sends the flights to anywhere, and they make him turn them back.  I can't think any more.  We'll have trumpy-prison airliners flying all over the world, with no place to land.  He won't take them back.  I love it!

Finally, the Atlantic gives up the ghost (heat)

 The Pacific equatorial belt has a heat-valve mechanism that has turned our heat on and off over the years.  Even with the great drift of satellite temperatures, you can't deny the peaks and valleys we have had since 2016.  This mechanism involves the convection of rain, and other things, and I don't want to burn my brain on it, since there are no measurements.  Nevertheless, we had a huge heating event last year that blew all my predictions to shreds.  I was looking at this winter for last year, but we know the lakes didn't even freeze.

The only thing left from last year is the Atlantic heat.  I don't think any mechanism works on that very short stretch of the equatorial belt.

The Atlantic equatorial belt is now diving, along with the others.

North Atlantic, and then the extreme polar Atlantic in the Greenland Gap.  This has stopped the Arctic ice extent, but the ice volume keeps going up.

I am expecting a deep dive and this will allow the ice to extend beyond the usual.  The UK will get less big storms and more clear cold.

Climate Scientists skate dangerously close to physics


This was tricky for them.  They were using lasers to measure the actual effect of heat retention of the clouds, but had to close their eyes to the fact that carbon was doing nothing.  Since they weren't actually coming up with hard numbers, they had to go with the 'none-negligible' thing to keep getting more money.  They just used the word 'small'.  Ha.

ps speaking of physics, just look at this lovely wind braiding by the UK.  Haven't seen such a clear picture of the 3d aspect before.  The wind is going over or under.  Neat.

Navigate Toronto's empty Path system


Young relatives from Ottawa visited the Path, and said it was movie-quality creepy with all the boarded up stores.  We should do something about that.  My main proposal for a research centre in Wesleyville, was to make underground living nicer and acceptable to young people.  I also had a proposal for Spaceship Tahiti, which is necessary for all these volcanic islands with a ring of beach around.  All these islands are sinking, and the beach is gone at high tide, with a small wall protecting the properties.  What's a tropical island without a beach?  What is ice-age Canada without underground facilities?

I propose we start converting the empty stores to liveable spaces, like gardens, light panels, and hydroxyl air.  We really need to get a handle on this.

We can then just tear down the unwanted office towers, and replace them with unwanted shoebox condos, or something more liveable.  

Trump starts his move on commie US federal agencies

 The evil genius has started to move.

If there is one thing I wanted him to do, it was clearing out the commie fed agencies.  They are past their due date.  They have the collective intelligence of a gnat.

He gets rid of the independent auditors.  Now, he can turn it over to the mushie hitman, saying there is no control on their spending.  Whoops, out the door!  Then. like the WHO, he can say sorry, and remake them in his image.

This is so fantastic that I know it won't happen.  He'll get another alzies brain fart, and the plan is all gone.

ps.  he has got China and Russia quaking, with the concept of Mad King George on the throne.  They have played the long game of installing weeping weenies in power all over the place.  They are going with 'Let us kill you all with conventional weapons, or we'll kill you all with nuclear war.'.  The leftie weenies go cry, cry "Oh, billions of poor people killed", and they roll over.  Trump goes "Bring it on, my bunker is better than your bunker.".  Neat, bluff called.

In fact, he should work on post-armageddon invasions of the commie bunkers.  Just harden up the regular troops with masks, and train them for the final suicide mission.  


He's going to put up walls and starve us out.  No need to have a fight with Alberta, no energy crossing the walls.

Arctic in deep recharge

 The Arctic is in such deep recharge, that the warmies are free to call it dead.

This is a continuous clipper, and it is sealing off the Arctic.  The lower Gulf air is taking advantage and moving in.  Lots of snow.

The Arctic is hemmed in on all sides, and turning white.  I have no idea what will happen, but it is like an old-style pressure cooker with the valve clogged with peas.

Inside the Arctic, all is peaceful, as it slowly digests more and more warm air.  The ninnies of natgas-land can ignore this.  It is all being timed for the minute trumpypants cuts off all energy from Canada, because they don't need it.

ps the forecast shows a perfect clipper

Saturday, January 25, 2025

State of the Oceans - Jan 25, 2025

 It is my hypothesis, following my knowledge of physics that the oceans control the temperature of the Earth.  You can see that this has been so, since the formation 4.5 billion years ago.  The oceans have kept the Earth at 'shirtsleeve' temperature for life for billions of years.  Otherwise, we wouldn't be here to have faddish groupthink.

The main heat generator is the Pacific Belt, and it operates some sort of 'heat valve' that could be measured, but won't be.  Right now, the valve is shut, and we are in a cold cycle.  

The weather for Europe and the UK is dependent on residual Atlantic heat distributed by the Gulf Stream.  It is still active, and turning up to the UK.  The tail has flopped up and down over the last few years, and is not measured.  It is still shoving heat up into the Greenland Gap, which has thwarted my predictions to 'freeze the Thames'.  Instead, the Atlantic plumes follow the warmth and give them monster storms.

The ocean currents are totally chaotic, but change very slowly.  It took several years to completely change over to the new pattern.  The 'walking dead' weather people still live in the past decades.  

ps forgot the temperatures.

Showing how the Greenland Gap keeps ice free.

Showing that the Atlantic Belt is warmer than the Pacific.  But it's all quite cold.

ps We can see that the Nino zone, the key to all warmth is diving for the basement.  It could reach the lowest since the satellite era.