Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Classic clipper for Toronto, snowball for Europe


We are getting a classic Alberta clipper.  I saw these all the time when I first discovered these maps.  A clipper is mixed with cold on the north, and a Pacific plume on the south.  It's the main type of cold air incursion for Toronto.  The big cold blobs, or air glaciers, are an entirely new thing.

A big clairslide is now hitting Europe.

And it is showing as a big ball in the temp anomaly map.

Just in time for the Christmas covid-cold to hit.

ps.  the weather people are on this, but I like doing mechanisms.

Lots of snow at the boundary between the tropical plume and the cold air that it is dragging.  The key diagnostic is the diagonal trend.

1 comment:

brent said...

When will the weatherman forecasting figure it out