Thursday, December 14, 2023

El Nino collapse on the news


Ok, the sleaziest news, one up from tabloids, but it's all there in all its glory.  These are weather people talking, so nothing about the bad physics in all this.  They just say, la la la, it has collapsed, and we are in 'neutral land'.

Will this be taken up by the UK tabloids?  Will the trumpies throw this into the face of leftwingers?  Who knows?

My hypothesis was right on this, not so great on the Arctic thing right now.

ps.  and this is fantastic!  I haven't watched news anchor tv news for years now, but this brings leftwinger fake news to a new level of fake presenters.  Bring back 'Fake Naked News'!  No need for real people to get goosebumps.  


pps. and in the other corner, we have nooa, who has used old pictures, and doubles down.

more:  however, any media outlet can now have a headline "Contention in the El Nino Camp".


Neil T said...

Well as regards chaos, I can report from the field that everything I want to grow is dying and everything I want to die is growing. Still no rain, huge winds, loads of biting flies and 23c during the day. I'll bet huge artic spill for Europe on the 29th Dec.

Harold Asmis said...

Oooh, somebody needs some AI Naked News! All the fun without the guilt, like non-alcoholic Scotch.

Neil T said...

You would have thought that Naked News would have a bit more "spice" but hey ho and as for non alcoholic Scotch, how very dare you. I like the names they give Spanish "scotch", for example "John Kerr" remembering that "J" is pronounced more like "W" in Spanish. It is horrible but it's not as bad as "Double V" which I think is radioactive and orange.

Harold Asmis said...

Ha, I knew I'd get you with the Scotch thing. It's like gluten-free cookies that blow up into dust, in your mouth.

Harold Asmis said...

We laid in our expensive Scotch for Christmas, and I had a wee dram of Oban the other day. I'm allowed it once a week for Christmas. :) Tough being a depressive alkie.