Friday, December 8, 2023

The Arctic comes out of its pause

 I feel as dead as the Arctic.  We have both been in depression, with gloomy weather all around us.  For the Arctic, it's been a long pause of shedding heat energy.  Cold is just the absence of heat energy.  I've been making predictions based on the total heat energy moving around, but chaos always affects the timing.

Siberia needs a new colour for -70, perhaps going into the reds again, as in Holy Crap, it's cold!.  Greenland has a large area of -50.  The Atlantic tropical plumes have been mucking up the UK weather.  Nothing like a deep freeze to make the ground impermeable to water, and then huge rains.

Finally, I can now see the beginning of Arctic air movement, down North America.

As well, Europe is ready for another blast.

I am waiting for the ocean currents, which is two weeks behind, and nooa is late with the US temperatures.  I have given up with any attempt to make fun of the warmies.  They now have a full religion: 'climate science', which is the same as the old 'creation science'.  It's as far away from the Scientific Method, as possible.  

ps Just as I was whining, nooa came out with the November continental temps.

It's perfectly mediocre, so they will just say 'top third' of warmth, or something like that.

pps. and the ice report is out.  We will be totally out of band this year.

That makes me excited, but as with all religions, there is no chart or hypothesis, that can knock them off their high horse.  As you have seen, there is an 'explanation' for everything.

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