Friday, December 8, 2023

Red light to the max

 This is the best thing for your skin, if my notion of physics is correct.  For a long time, I have been shining a red led small flashlight in my eyes for 3 minutes in the morning.  This has totally stopped getting irritated dry eyes because I read too much.  I was always having to put in eye drops, and sometimes the eyes would go really horrible, and I was effectively blind.  

It is proven by physics and the Scientific Method that this boosts the mitochondria in the eyes.  Boosting these little buggers is equivalent to reversing time -- Yeah! They seem to suck in red photons like potato chips.

To carry this to the skin around the face, I was using the red light on the skin, but it didn't seem to do anything.  Now, I found the solution.

This sucker can fry your nose off.  It's meant for hair removal, but only for light skin and dark hairs.  We'll get back to you on that, since we haven't had the nerve to put it to full blast for hairs.  What I have done is set it on Level 1, and one flash per patch of skin.  That is one tenth the full blast for hair.  Even then, it takes 8 weeks for hair.

But, for the skin on the face, one flash per patch, on level 1, gives amazing results, like being out on a cold day.  The feeling of increased blood flow lasts for 2 days, and then you can do another treatment.  I can practically feel the mitochondria dancing the jig.

Anyway, that red light penetrates and the effect is 10 times that of the face masks, of which we have one.  I don't think they can get past the first layer of skin.  No matter what, this gets well into the skin.  

I don't know if you can ever see results, but it sure feels good.  

click to red light

ps.  the hypothesis for this Scientific Method, is that I will have younger skin, just like I have younger eyes.  This machine can flash red light down to the bones, and you feel something.  The only measurement would be with the mitochondria, and that's never going to happen.


Neil T said...

And the obvious scientific "rejuvenation" experiment is....... Just dont end up in the emergency room with 3rd degree burns on your X and the old "I was experimenting naked when I slipped and..."

Harold Asmis said...

Or, stuck in the vacuum cleaner.