Saturday, December 30, 2023

Large Canada Arctic spill starting


This is the first thing I look at.  Then I see a large clear bulge coming down.  I look at the video.

I see the bulge is backed up by a large air flow.  And the Hudson Bay perpetual cyclone is finally gone, because the water is frozen solid.

Finally, I look at the temperatures (min).  And there it is, a huge cold blob.  This will tickle natgas prices.  The air coming over the mountains looks weak, so it should come straight down.  I like to run at 80% certainty, but those cyclones are tricky.

The UK is still protected by cyclones, but they have to stop soon.  I'm not even looking at the 'dirty diaper' of the El Ninnyo poop (sorry, grandson visited), until the currents come out, but be assured you'll never see any pictures from them.

ps.  this shows the Arctic ice extent has burst out of the recent era and is going into  an ice cycle.  Some other charts conflict with this.  However, the Greenland gap is closing in.  I'm looking at that to strengthen the Arctic spill over the UK.

ps.  I'm still cleaning up after all the visitors.  I'm glad the snowstorms held off.

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