Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Aliexpress - the curse of the sleazy vendor - resolved, happy, happy

 Before the trip I was going nuts on Aliexpress.  I was hitting 100% success, and the deals were great.  Shipping time is now 7 to 10 days.

But then I hit the sleazy vendor, which, by definition, is a subsistence person living on no margin.  If you wanted the old Eaton's model of 'Satisfaction Guaranteed', you needed 100% margins.  Costco does well with 30% margins, but you still hit independent, no margin, vendors on Amazon.

This is a huge wet blanket on shopping enthusiasm.  They don't understand the consequences.  I have been cured of shopaholic-ness.  I'll just receive my last shipments, and that's it.  I will just not buy anything.

ps SITUATION IS RESOLVED.  I finally found the right buttons to press to get to a higher authority.  They agreed with me, and I received a refund.  I left feedback that the process was not kind, but I have hope they will improve.

ps.  after the trip, time to go back to shopping!


Neil T said...

I thought you'd gone all American. Buying any old tat and then sticking it in the garage for posterity.

Harold Asmis said...

blah blah, war against 'merica

Neil T said...

IMHO, the bloke's a nut job and need a proper kicking to put him in his place.