Thursday, February 27, 2025

Countdown to EIA storage report

 I'm starting very early today, because last time those darn people were early.  Trump must have gotten rid of all the people who can tell the time.  I've always thought this was a sad report that didn't tell us much, but the natgas traders have panicked before over the results.  I don't know why.

This report will show a huge drop the week before.  It takes them almost a week to get the results.  For goodness sake, get an AI!  

6:58  Just checked the date labels so I won't get confused again.

This report will show another drop of 300, and the curve will go below the average line.  What does that mean?  All the traders are believing the warmies again, who say that warmth will come flooding back again due to Polar Pixies taking a vacation.  They can't predict what the magical PP's will do, they might decide to attack the US for their Canadian cousins.  We all have one deep in our family trees.

As long as the traders think that April will have us out sunning in the back yard, they don't care that all the natgas is sucked out in March.  I'm thinking we will continue to have Arctic blobs, and most of them won't be deflected by weak Pacific plumes, like what is happening now.  The regular forecast still has Memphis going down to 8C at night.

ps Toronto is happy this morning.

ps Oh no!  I was programming in python and forgot this.

A huge shoot into unknown territory, and the price didn't move.  So much for that plot.

ps looks like the draw is going to 1973, but a lot more old people now turning up the thermostat.

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