Saturday, February 8, 2025

Starship has a physics problem

 Starship was something conceived by musk after his insanity set in.  Super-brights like him always have a depression problem after age 40.  My shrink told me, when I had that problem.  The big issue is how you treat it.  He uses every recreational drug known to man.  That's not a good thing.  I use the proper drugs, but limit my intense thinking.  It all comes from cross-connections in the brain.

He wanted the starship to look like the spaceship in tin-tin.  They went through many iterations, and the size of the ship came out of his cratering brain.  The first launch, the ship bored a hole in the ground.  Then they upped the ground bearing strength by 10% and it flew.

We now know they are sending it up empty, as the debris shows.  Who would send it up full?  But the ship barely can lift off without digging a giant hole to the other side.  Time to fill it up with concrete to see how it flies.

Honestly, that little bit of work deflecting the launch blast isn't much on the bearing strength of a normal concrete pad.  Fully loaded, the bearing pressure is probably ten times that of empty.  We shall see.

Nobody reads me, and I'm not accusing anyone of concealing the bearing pressure.  They will simply defy the laws of physics and get it going.  Everybody in the US does that.  No problem.

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