Saturday, February 1, 2025

State of the Oceans - No heat energy left in the world

 The hypothesis is that the Pacific Equatorial Belt operates a heat-valve mechanism involving severe convection.  We know from our Chinese AI thingie that convection dominates the heat energy transfer for the atmosphere, it's just that nooa doesn't know it's dead yet.

Of course, the warmies are keeping up the good fight.

The UK will become totally encased in ice, and we'll still get these headlines.  Nobody will say - "Should we reexamine the physics?"

I'm doing the physics as best I can without any new measurements.  

With these charts, we have a story, which is an odd thing to say for me, since I hate stories for science.  The Scientific Method presents a hypothesis of no heat energy, and these charts are confirming it.  The oceans have no heat energy.  The big news is that the Atlantic is finally cooling, from when it was heated up last year.

The Atlantic now has a big hunk of heat carved out of it.  It is the simple physics of having your coffee on your desk getting cold.  Physics is a bitch, and I realize why you all hate it.  It would be so nice to just have dancing polar vortex and jet stream fairies controlling everything, but they have a dark side.

The old cycles of El Nino and La Nina don't exist any more.  It's just cold.  The US will be knocked out of it's magic land, when they run out of natural gas.  Europe is next.

I'm sorry to be such a gloomy-gus.  Just don't read me, like everybody else.



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