Monday, February 3, 2025

Giving Up Orange Juice

 The American breakfast fuels their insatiable need for more power.  The breakfast is orange juice, bacon and eggs.  Their eggs are now $15 a dozen.  However, in Canada, we should give up the orange juice first.  It is all fructose and does nothing for you.  The vitC comes in a pill.

I have gone to simple prune juice, since I am an old man, and the best thing to add is aronia.

This is native to Canada, and is the best non-imported superfood.  You can plant it in your backyard or cottage, which I plan to do.  It is ten times better than blueberries.

If you can get your deep gut happy, it makes you generally healthy.  The Americans die young.

You run the prunes and dried berries in your pressure cooker.  I do about 30 minutes at high pressure.  Then you can use your juicer.  I have a high-velocity centrifugal juicer, and then I also put the pulp back into the juice.  A masticator would work, as well.  The pulp is so fine, that it should be put back into the juice and mixed.

This is my series -- "Screw the Americans!"

ps.  The anonia adds a smoky flavour, that really cuts the pruney taste.  You don't even know it is prune juice.

ps  Are aronia berries high in vitamin C?  Aronia berries are low in calories but pack a nutritional punch, as they're high in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese (4).

ps the prunes are for a bit of sweetness.

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