Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Explaining what happened

 Now that noaa has slipped out forecasts of extreme cold, without telling anyone, we must assume the groupthink has collapsed.  Natgas is rising, and when it hits $20, people will notice.  The US prices of eggs and natgas will be the same.

I'm getting my talking points ready, using the AI.  I shouldn't have mentioned the only one that works, because it is now becoming slow as me on the dog walk.

I'm waiting for offers of huge money.  But I will have to think about it, as I am very lazy, and only need a little bit of healthy foods.  Throughout my life, I used all my intellectual talents to avoid work.

I'm sad that a lot of people will die, frozen to death.  But I think I did everything I could to stop the groupthink.  It could not be stopped.  

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