Friday, February 7, 2025

Linux -- adxl355 on Raspberrypi 5

 I am back to my accelerometers.  I want to make a cheap, broad-band seismometer for Santorini.  It just my dream, but it will never be used.  It is one of those things that can bust the monopoly of seismologists, and earthquake engineers, and has the same snowball's chance in heck, as doing simple physics in the atmosphere.

I can report on my first progress in weeks.  That's getting the brand-new rp5 working with I2C for the adxl355.  They did everything new for this raspi and the timing was off for 12c.  Finally, they have fixed it, but it is not in the regular kernel.

The first thing you do with a new is to update to the latest kernel -- rpi-update as root.  Then, don't use a very old pin extender like I did.  The pins are a bit rearranged with the rp5.  Then check 'i2cdetect -y 1' and it works!  hailey-you-la!  Now I am off to the python code.  Set a python environment using Thonny.

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