We've had this before, a weak blob hits the Pacific air and slides down the slippery slope, like a kid in the playground.
Toronto just gets freezing rain and snow.
This will be corrected soon, as the Arctic turns black and white. No whine before its time.
This has been a test of the Spring Alert System. Had there been a real Spring coming, we would see an endless progression of Pacific tropical plumes coming in.
The ice on the Great Lakes has hit 1973. We all remember the ice cycle then, and we went into a big recession. The lake ice indicates how much heat energy has been sucked from us. It works exactly as a little house, trying to keep warm. We can also calculate the impact from heating degree days.
ps I'm glad that the US has enough natgas to survive 1973. Actually, we have that date, only because that's when they started to record ice. I suspect we might be in the 1800's. Anyway, nothing happening on the weekend, and I'll enjoy our tropical weather. -3C, imagine!
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