Monday, February 3, 2025

Part 2, Screw the Americans -reject all NASA earth studies

 Nosa is an agent of American Imperialism.  You think they are objective and follow the Scientific Method?  No, they do what their political masters want.  They need the money.

nosa has a monopoly on all earth studies.  Nobody else puts in the money.  When they float a balloon, it's to produce the results they want.  All their satellites just look at things that support their position in the American Tyranny.

When you believe everything they say, you are genuflecting to the Americans.  Unfortunately, the whole world does this.  If we want to Screw the Americans, we have to do our own thinking.  Weather people follow the local governments, who follow the Americans.

I'm not pushing anything here, just think.  Merci.

ps. they go cap in hand to Trump.  Listen boss, this whole carbon thing is good for American Imperialism.  It cripples the whole world, and Americans ignore it.  Win-lose.

ps this just in

Canada misunderstands our trade war as a trade war

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