Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Suckering the Chinese to build electric cars and solar panels


This is quite interesting as they have built billions of these things that nobody will want soon.  When the crash happens, it might delay their war plans for a while.

ps.  also, the Chinese put all the money into appearance.  I once bought a nice cheap Chinese kitchen faucet that looked perfect.  A few months later, I was lucky to catch a drip from the interior, and replaced the tap.  The plastic would have cracked and flooded the whole house.  This happened before with toilet connectors.  Many new homes were flooded.  Can't wait to see these things blow up, and let's not talk about 40 below.

ps. I'm thinking of the universities, and the definition of leftwinger has the word 'shallow' in it.  The universities are saying "Look, we killed all the physics for you, and put up stupid windmills and solar panels for you.  And you still aren't happy?"

ps and you leftwingers brought us all closer to war by banning German nuclear plants, and shovelling lots of money to China.  


Neil T said...

You seem "rattled" and appear to have gone a bit Trump via a viz wind farms... He hates them. Anyway, I'm into these guys, have a peek...

Harold Asmis said...

Ha, ok, only Ontario windmills with a 5% output on capacity. Does it pay the maintenance? Can you make windmills with windmill energy? Also, do you know how many articles go out on the latest battery? Do they know what 'scaling problems' mean? I know you are just yanking my chain because you haven't dusted your world of dust yet...

Neil T said...

Apologies! I'm just trying to find a way through the energy woods because AFAIK my tractor doesn't work on (leaves and twigs) or windmill power.

Harold Asmis said...

Then it is obvious you need your very own influencer. Get the whole farm sucked into their dimension and the Polar fairies will help you.

Neil T said...

Thanks for the tip! These guys look like they know what they are talking about.. Polar vortex et al and my new word o' the day.. Weatherization!

Harold Asmis said...

Oh God, can we end this conversation. I have brain rot.