Friday, February 28, 2025

My tide gauge shows a huge history-making drop

 This is a big deal, but will only be appreciated in a few decades.  We have entered a huge cold spike.  I was thinking it could be like this, but not as much.

This is as big as the spike that hit poor old Hilter as he invaded Russia.  All nice and warm one day, perfect for diesel tanks, and then, boom.

This graphs shows all the wonderful extreme temperature changes.  Ignore it at your peril.  The entire ocean is represented at this one spot.  Like the old red thermometer, it goes up with warmth, and down with cold.  This is my validation, but only for me.  Nobody does physics, until they freeze to death.

State of the Oceans -- Feb 28, 2025

 The general state of the oceans is cold.

We're getting the world chart diving.

Those are all the Atlantic sections.  The residual heat from last year is almost gone, but Atlantic tropical plumes are still saving the UK from freezing.

The Nino zone is just rising from the southern summer.  It has a southern-biased curve.

I just include this for future reference.  I have no idea what it means, but I am determined not to miss another big heating event, if it ever comes.

The Pacific belt from the south, but is showing effects of the summer.

The warmies are trying to make something out of this plot, but it is hopeless.

Everyone in Ukraine to move out and leave it to Russia

 Most of Ukraine has left anyway.  Z did his job and got trympy agitated.  I always think that gets him closer to blowing the vein in his head.

Having the ruskies succeed in this real estate move, gives the weenies in euro a good kick in the pants.  poots can only kill people and can't run anything, so that just gives him a big empty lot.

Between the two madmen, poor Z doesn't have a chance.  Give poots the poisoned chalice!

First science story with physics


This is a science story that looks good.  All those 'science porn' click-bait web sites, go on things like new batteries that can't scale or be manufactured.  Who cares?  

This problem has been solved with intense computational effort and now new lenses can be stamped out.  Expect 2 buck telescopes on Aliexpress soon.  The Chinese can easily steal this.  

This is a happy story -- be happy!

ps this is what I've been saying -- No Starlink for you!

ps more happy news as he has learned to deal with the Mad King.  He sold the minerals on the ruskie side, just like the Brooklyn Bridge.

Standard clippers down the line


This is from my winds site.  I'm sure that nasa and noaa will cut off the physics information, before the warmie philosophy.  For the upcoming US natgas crisis, it should be noted that it was all the nosanoaa predictions of a winter warmer than last year.  Who would stash the natgas?  It was the grasshopper and ant all over again (not the dizzny version).

Anyway, enjoying the physics while we can, we see an endless line of standard 1970 clippers coming in.  These are weak plumes that will hit hit and then come down on us.

Clippers bring endless snow and cold weather.

They don't go down to Texas, as much.

But the US northeast has winter fun.

Still, Memphis goes down to near-freezing and that will be all March, and most likely, April.

ps.  they'll cut all physics measurement, but the heck with warmies.  USGS should be next, no downside to that.  

I think lives will be lost because of them.  Go Mad Kings!  In other politics, my buddy Doug Ford won, and the weenie pp Canadian conservatives are terrified of a carneyfreeland team, and they can flip a coin on who gets top billing.

ps.  natgas traders have drunk the coolsaid.  The price is zooming down to free.  I am very impressed by their collective intelligence.  

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Countdown to EIA storage report

 I'm starting very early today, because last time those darn people were early.  Trump must have gotten rid of all the people who can tell the time.  I've always thought this was a sad report that didn't tell us much, but the natgas traders have panicked before over the results.  I don't know why.

This report will show a huge drop the week before.  It takes them almost a week to get the results.  For goodness sake, get an AI!  

6:58  Just checked the date labels so I won't get confused again.

This report will show another drop of 300, and the curve will go below the average line.  What does that mean?  All the traders are believing the warmies again, who say that warmth will come flooding back again due to Polar Pixies taking a vacation.  They can't predict what the magical PP's will do, they might decide to attack the US for their Canadian cousins.  We all have one deep in our family trees.

As long as the traders think that April will have us out sunning in the back yard, they don't care that all the natgas is sucked out in March.  I'm thinking we will continue to have Arctic blobs, and most of them won't be deflected by weak Pacific plumes, like what is happening now.  The regular forecast still has Memphis going down to 8C at night.

ps Toronto is happy this morning.

ps Oh no!  I was programming in python and forgot this.

A huge shoot into unknown territory, and the price didn't move.  So much for that plot.

ps looks like the draw is going to 1973, but a lot more old people now turning up the thermostat.

Cold in the time of clippers


The warmies are putting out that we are now in a warm Spring. 

We have two clippers coming in, so temperatures will be on an off.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Aliexpress - the curse of the sleazy vendor - resolved, happy, happy

 Before the trip I was going nuts on Aliexpress.  I was hitting 100% success, and the deals were great.  Shipping time is now 7 to 10 days.

But then I hit the sleazy vendor, which, by definition, is a subsistence person living on no margin.  If you wanted the old Eaton's model of 'Satisfaction Guaranteed', you needed 100% margins.  Costco does well with 30% margins, but you still hit independent, no margin, vendors on Amazon.

This is a huge wet blanket on shopping enthusiasm.  They don't understand the consequences.  I have been cured of shopaholic-ness.  I'll just receive my last shipments, and that's it.  I will just not buy anything.

ps SITUATION IS RESOLVED.  I finally found the right buttons to press to get to a higher authority.  They agreed with me, and I received a refund.  I left feedback that the process was not kind, but I have hope they will improve.

ps.  after the trip, time to go back to shopping!

The definition of fresh air in the house

 I am experimenting with a hydroxyl generator.  It is a powerful UV-A lamp on a titanium dioxide plate, with misters pouring water vapour over it.

Such a mess, but that's me.  I had to put two Chinese dollar misters to make a noticable difference.  Sometimes, the fresh air sweeps over me, but it depends on how much mist is hitting the plate.

This produces hydroxyl, which is OH-.  That cleans the air in nature, with the sunlight on objects.  You get a good jolt when it is raining.  This would solve all our underground stale air problems.  You can feel when the hydroxyl content is high, and that means the air is clean.  The negative ions latch onto all the gunk (aromatics) in the air.

The bubble is only about 8 feet, off and on.  You would need much more powerful machines, and you can't transfer this through metal vents.  Air exchange is great, but in the winter you lose heat.  If you use an air heat exchanger, you lose the ions.  All cruise ships should have this everywhere.

Some ion generators use high voltage and sharp pins, but I find they clog up right away.  Take notice the next time you sniff fresh air.

Trump tariff threat to blow out again

 This is playing out like any media doomer story.  Big asteroid going to hit?  Oh, no it isn't.  We are all going to boil to death?  Nope.

Just like Ukraine.  Those are horrible minerals to extract.  You need a huge infrastructure, and peace in the Black Sea, just like grain and oil crops.  And if I'm right, nobody will want those minerals anyway, as it becomes okay to burn coal again and use natgas.

All is fine in the world, not any worse than usual.  Have a nice day.

All Arctic action is in chaos

 Today's theme is -- I don't know nothin'.   

We start with the Pacific plumes.  They are coming in like a weak Spring pattern, but then going high for a clipper.

The cold blobs are being pushed by winds over the mountains that don't seem to have a source.

I call them clipper-blobs.

Our winds are crazy, while the North Pole is quietly in recharge.  

In summary, we are starting to get our seasonal solar heat, but the cold is fighting it.  

The world is still very cold, despite the good wishes of our story tellers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

In order to be a top criminal, you must have criminals under you


They can do that, but you can't trust those darn criminals.  Always in it for their own greed.  They can have that on the job ads.  "Must have no regard for the rule of law."

ps speaking of 'no law', Zel should say, that since we won't last without American arms, and there is no promise of them, we will surrender to the Russians, after we evacuate everyone, because poots will kill every man, woman, and child, and perhaps the dogs.  See what that does, since trumpy can't have the minerals if poots gets them first.  Also, those minerals aren't 'low hanging fruit' or they would be out already.  They are bitchy hard to mine.

ps a fundamental law of physics (not really) is that you can't have more than 10% lawlessness, without going totally into the dark ages.  That's because criminals rely on other people being honest.  Higher than 10% they run into more criminals, and everything goes to pot, the economy dies, and the country gets invaded.  That's life.  It's like driving recklessly.  You count on everyone being defensive and getting out of the way.  As recklessness increases, they all meet at intersections.

Arctic blob deflected a little

 That's neat, we are getting a weak Spring pattern over the Pacific.

A warm Spring pattern would have some intensity to those plumes.

We are getting Pacific air coming in

This blob should hit the populated areas of the US.  It is backed by black, so it's an M8.

Very mucky winds, so snow and rain, all turning to ice.

I have found out that since the current natgas futures turn in April, nobody cares about March.

ps. I am speculating that we are getting at least 2 big Arctic blobs in March, and one in April.  That's because I still don't see much heat energy in the Pacific.  Maybe even a cold May.  The US will most likely (80%) run out of natgas from storage, but I have no idea how much they can push the reserves.  They will have a new record.

ps the dog walk was an ice horror, even though we wore our light ice studs.  The water on ice could skid the spikes, and I think I wrenched a leg.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Aliexpress ear camera - 11 bucks

 Ditching the US stores has sent me to China.  Trump can fire all his generals, and let China go wild.  Who cares?  Anyway, the greatest thing so far is the ear camera with a little silicone ice cream scoop at the end.  You can play the video game of 'scooping the wax'  This is so great for us old guys.  

We are going on vacation in the tropics, and ear wax problems come out when you go swimming.  Same as the cottage in the summer.  Stay ahead of the game and clear everything out.

Forecast has another Arctic blob hitting Toronto

 Hope you are enjoying that nice Pacific air coming over us.  There's no more coming for a while. Instead, we have another Arctic blob.  I always look at the forecast first.

And there, at the end, we have a big swoop down.  

Our Pacific feed is being bashed down by cold.

You can see the two blobs - old blob was a loser because of the very strong Pacific air.  It is just bothering the East Coast.  New blob has no worries, and is backed by black.

You can see what a nice time we are having.  Great for the dog walk.

The winds aren't showing much right now.  For an M9 blob we like to see everything in alignment.  This is probably just an average M8 blob, but without Western Opposition.

All the natgas people have abandoned me.  We'll just see low prices for now.

ps since the popular opinion is that we are now into Spring, natgas has fallen off a cliff.

the popular opinion is always right.

ps Spring is here.

ps as is usual for an M9 blob, the end of the Toronto forecast keeps going down, as they constantly underestimate the night coldness.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Aren't we lucky, Arctic blob becomes a slider

 We've had this before, a weak blob hits the Pacific air and slides down the slippery slope, like a kid in the playground.  

Toronto just gets freezing rain and snow.

This will be corrected soon, as the Arctic turns black and white.  No whine before its time.

This has been a test of the Spring Alert System.  Had there been a real Spring coming, we would see an endless progression of Pacific tropical plumes coming in.

The ice on the Great Lakes has hit 1973.  We all remember the ice cycle then, and we went into a big recession.  The lake ice indicates how much heat energy has been sucked from us.  It works exactly as a little house, trying to keep warm.  We can also calculate the impact from heating degree days.

ps I'm glad that the US has enough natgas to survive 1973.  Actually, we have that date, only because that's when they started to record ice.  I suspect we might be in the 1800's.  Anyway, nothing happening on the weekend, and I'll enjoy our tropical weather.  -3C, imagine!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Yeah, Trump gets rid of nasty words


We've gone from 'climate' in every stupid paper, and now it's forbidden.  He should also get rid of 'greenhouse gases' and 'carbon warming', since they don't exist in the physical world.

The Mad Kings are a backlash against the 'elite' who send their kids to ivy arts universities.  They constantly have parties, and pooh-pooh the workers.  This happened at the end of the 20's when the gastbies forgot about the workers.  Populists rose that promised 'a chicken in every pot'.  No chicken, no pot, since they destroyed the world economy.  Looks like we going there.

Why doesn't Canada now promote physics and the Scientific Method?  Because everybody is a university-educated weenie.  

I love the new continuous 'fire and hire' technique in the US.  The mad kings are now doing this on purpose.  Fire everybody and rehire at half pay.  Fire them again.

ps Great Lakes ice is  now above 1973.  Yeah!

China loosens the tyrant strings, while the mad kings do the opposite


If you are a tyrant, you kill anybody smarter than you.  This eventually destroys the economy.  China is now trying to revive the people they've hit on the head too many times.

The mad kings are firing and re-hiring lots of people.  It has an effect, since the re-hired people know they'll be fired again next week.

The mad kings are following the 1930's script.  We had the great Gatsby party of the 20's, and suddenly the politicians closed all the borders, causing the dirty thirties.  It was all a US thing.  That's why Canada should ditch the US and go all-in with China, until we don't.  

Warmies at Leeds dismiss plate tectonics

 Throughout the geological history of the Earth, there have been huge swings of temperature, all aligned with plate tectonics.  Plates far apart -- cold.  Plates together -- hot.  

I consider Leeds to be the 'Heart of Warmness' for the whole warmie movement.  Now, they are dissing the ice ages, like the one we are currently in.  A great philosophical discussion.  I hope they get mob attention for it.  

ps OMG, it was so warm on the dog walk, -8C and sunny, no wind.  As these philosophers say, cold is an illusion, it is really warm.  And we live in a video game.

Arctic blob confirmed

 I've been reading the fantasy papers on the weather.  Since the jet stream is just the boundary between cold and warm air, it is up to the reader to choose between the tail and the dog.  They also go on and on about that one erroneous 'All January all the time' plot.  The Toronto 7-day forecast now throws in a cold blob, and they have always been right this winter.

You can start to see it.

The Alaska plot is clearer.

This plot shows the Arctic and Greenland going black, and Greens should soon be white.

That last bit of cold in the US is being shoved out by very weak Pacific air.

On the matter of the world being warm, there is another opinion.

The Northern Hemisphere is frozen, but look, the southern hemisphere has summer.  How amazing!

Is it a really warm summer?  No, just average.  Note that if you are just plotting the anomaly value, like some world plots, the North Pole is warmer than normal at -50C.  That still goes into the plot as warm.

We look to the winds to confirm the blob.  All the winds are streaming in, confirming that this blob will be M8 or greater.  That means cold down to the toes of the US.  Can you say 'natgas freeze'?

ps no natgas reaction.  Once they see the frozen gas, then maybe.